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bruce d

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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Absolutely. I am in the UK and bought my saw second hand but get treated like a valued customer. Full marks to Jim and Donna.
  2. Yup, that is it. The adjustment screw I was describing looks like part number 55.
  3. Can't say for sure but it appears to be in the right place for an adjustable stop to level up the table. This would allow the table to be returned to true 90 degrees after being tilted.
  4. Hello DispleasedOwl, good to see you back. JB is a great subject but I am interested in the improvements your team have made to the Domanoff machine. It would make a nice thread in the Modeling tools and Workshop Equipment sub-forum. Cheers, Bruce
  5. Capturing the Curve: Underlying Concepts in the Design of the Hull by Taras Pevn The number and quality of the CAD illustrations makes this stand out. The subject of 'maker's marks' is a whole new playground for me. Capturing_the_Curve_Underlying_Concepts.pdf
  6. As far as I know, this hasn't been posted on MSW before, apologies if it has. It covers a lot of ground. Here is the description given by the Wellcome Collection: The seaman's vade-mecum and defensive war by sea: containing a maritime dictionary; the proportions of rigging, masts and yards; Weight of Anchors; Sizes and Weight of Cables and Cordage; List of the Navy. The Words of Command in exercising the small Arms, Bayonet, Granadoes, and great Guns, Duty of Officers, &c. Also shewing how to prepare a merchant-ship for a close fight, through the Bulk-Heads, Coamings, Loop-Holes, &c. with the Advantages to be taking in Chacing, considered, under all Positions in respect to Wind and Tide. Defensive Fighting; Shewing how Merchant - Ships are to act, in Fleets, when Canonaded or Boarded by the Enemy. Naval Fortification; The Advantages of Mooring considered, in respect to Wind and Tide; and how to lay Booms in Rivers, and raise Redoubts to defend them. An Essay on Naval Book - Keeping; Or a regular Method for the Purser, Clerk, Steward, and other Officers to keep an Account of Stores, &c. The Method of forming Signals for sailing in Company, under a Commodore in Time of War; with many other Particulars relating to the Navy, East-India, and Merchant Service. By William Mountaine, Mathematical Examiner to the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House of Deptlord-Strond, and F.R.S. With additions by John Adams, Teacher of the Mathematics. The_Seaman_s_Vade_mecum_and_Defensive_Wa.pdf
  7. Steve, welcome to MSW. It's your round. 😁 Cheers, Bruce
  8. Exactly the question I was going to ask. I am browsing the Walshe catalogue looking for them. (Another tool I did not know I needed. Now I gotta have one 🤐 )
  9. Folboats were among the original equipment of the SBS and SAS, I believe a couple are preserved in UK museums. Interesting model, looking forward to the next steps. 👍
  10. Barbara, I wonder if you are referring to the standing rigging? In broad terms, think of this as the rigging that braces the masts.
  11. Both times it has happened to me the carrier was DHL. Perhaps their process is different because the bill for customs duty and tax arrived, I paid, the parcel was delivered and a few days later the DHL bill arrived. This is different from your description where it sounds like you ain't gettin' your parcel till they get their ££££. For the record, I abbreviated the story a bit in my earlier post. Once was from China (CAFmodel, Tom was not aware) and once from the USA, and again the vendor was unaware of these further charges. I believe the thing that swung it for me was taking the stance 'I have no contract with you, you have no right to demand payment from the addressee, who is effectively your customer's customer'. HTH
  12. Allan, please indulge me a moment. This is a perfect example of something I learned during my years as a researcher: history is not a democracy. When you find a fact that does not fit with the popular perception, don't put it to the vote. Assess it in light of all the known facts and see how it fits. From what you have said, and also as Lieste illustrates above, the extra carronades fit. Unless there is a definitive contradictory statement from a reliable source, celebrate!
  13. Thank you Jim, post is up now. (You too, Mark 👍)
  14. Well I see this thread went up ok, so it may be to do with the forum. The thread that won't work is in Discussions for Ships plans and Project Research. General research on specific vessels and ship types.. ? Is it something I'm doing?
  15. I am having no luck trying to post a new thread: let's see if this one works. Here is what happens with the thread i tried to start:
  16. One thing that sometimes pops up in the UK is the 'invoice' from the carrier that demands about £40 for administrative fees incurred in getting the parcel through customs. I refuse and so far have had no consequences despite a couple of sabre-rattles. My reason is this: I ordered items from China and paid the quoted p&p, then paid the UK duties and charges. I have never engaged directly with the carrier (a big, well known company) and had no contract with them. If they are going to charge anyone for services, it can only be the person/company that engaged their services. In my case I checked with the vendor who was unaware of any further charges beyond those he had agreed and paid. It is just something they do with commercial traffic and I believe no unsuspecting member of the public should be sucked in to the practice. Grumble over.
  17. I was thinking of the Santisima Trinidad, a very impressive subject. Of course it is up to you but this is a subject that is not often covered on MSW. With 130 guns and a veteran of Trafalgar, sounds good to me. May I suggest you post a message in New Member Introductions?
  18. Welcome to MSW from the UK! The models look very nice, will we see a build log?
  19. The books were as described, a very nice collection. Liz has now passed these books to me to distribute among the interested and raise something for a charity. I will post something when a plan is hatched. Full marks to the family for taking the trouble to do this. We should all take note 🤐.
  20. THE ANALYSIS AND CONSERVATION OF TWO 18-POUNDER CARRONADES FROM THE U.S. NAVY SCHOONER SHARK A Thesis by BRENNAN P. BAJDEK Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS The_Analysis_and_Conservation_of_Two_18.pdf
  21. I have been in touch with Liz off-board and hopefully worked out something she is happy with. Our ideas on charities seem quite similar.
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