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Tim Curtis

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  1. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   




    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Pawel
  2. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Stuntflyer in The Hayling Hoy 1760 by Stuntflyer (Mike) - 1:48 scale   
    Happy New Year to all!
    I finally reach a milestone over the holidays, though I still need to do some additional fairing on the inner hull. Once that's completed, I will move onto to installing the deck clamps. They will help to stabilize the hull in preparation for the exterior hull fairing. 

  3. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to guraus in La Jacinthe 1823 by guraus - Scale 1:48   
    Here is my new project: the schooner "La Jacinthe" at 1/48 based on Jean Boudriot's monograph from Ancre. 
    As there are no frames plans in the monograph I will do a solid hull model as suggested by the author. The keel and frames I made out of 6mm plywood, the deck was covered with 1.5mm thick bass strips and the spaces in-between the frames was filled with 10mm x 20mm strips of cedar wood. The hull was sanded then the imperfections were filled with wood filler and sanded again. It is now ready to be planked - I will use pear wood for external haul planking and holly for the deck.
    At this moment I plan to do a full rigged model and with the rigging the model will be 80/25/60cm (L/W/H). Hull only is 48/13/10cm
    Here are the pictures with the progress so far.

  4. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Jack H in L'ARTÉSIEN 1762 by Jack H - 1:48 - 64-gun POF model by cnc   
    Thanks imanewbie
    I made a fatal mistake at the last step and the sleeves were broken.It seems too fat, the head may be too big, uncoordinated. It needs to be optimized again.


  5. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hi Popeye  
    It feels good to be back. and I am now building the masters finished. Today I have built the last crosstree for the mizzen mast.


  6. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    On going sail-making. Fore staysail, topsail and topgallant sail complete.
    Temporarily fixed.

  7. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from hexnut in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    Here is an update.
    I have finished the bowsprit, jib boom, and martingale, along with guys and stays.
    I have departed from the kit plans significantly, to match the contemporary print. See below.

    As is lower yard, however this is dry fit and needs completing. Just wanted to check that the cranse iron would work.

    Top mast is also dry fit. And topmast stay.

  8. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from kier in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    On going sail-making. Fore staysail, topsail and topgallant sail complete.
    Temporarily fixed.

  9. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Larry Cowden in Scottish Maid by Tim Curtis - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:50   
    I have started on sail making.
    Using vellum as a material.
    Died with tea.
    Small steel wires in seams.
    Here are preliminary results.
    Will post more info about the process shortly.
  10. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to genericDave in Bluenose by genericDave - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 Scale   
    Fnkershner, there's two sails still to be attached in that last photo - the stay sail and the fore top mast sail.  I'm not seeing a fisher man sail on the plans...only those two remain.  The stay sail is pretty big, and runs between the two masts...might be what you're referring to.   The fore top sail also sits between the two masts, and runs from the fore gaff to the fore mast (and uses those remaining mast hoops).  
    Since my last post, I have rigged the stay sail.  The halliard for that was just...weird.  The plans offered two different versions of that halliard.  One was more complex, with multiple blocks and hooks that could be switched from side-to-side.  The simpler version just used a line with hooks on either end run through a block.  I opted to go with the simpler version.
    Here's the ship with the stay sail rigged (the only sail still missing is the fore top sail)...

    Unfortunately the last sail (fore top sail) will have to wait until after Christmas.  It is ready to go, but I'm about to be pulled way for family stuff so I don't want to start rigging it if I can't get it all done.  
    I'm sure I'm going to be thinking about finishing this build over the holiday.  My wife told me that last night she woke up in the middle of the night and I was standing at the window in our bedroom holding the rod that opens/closes the blinds.  She asked what I was doing, and apparently I told her I could use the rod on my ship.  I have no memory of that...but it seems I'm now so focused on finishing this build that I'm sleepwalking to find parts for the boat.
  11. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to fnkershner in Bluenose by genericDave - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64 Scale   
    You got it! the fisherman is also known as the Staysail you describe. and Yes the rigging is unique. I spent lots of time in other references trying to learn about the rigging for this sail. The only thing I see is that you did not rig the Topsails to the sail rings on the topmast.
    I would introduce you to our own Dr. Per (elsewhere on this site) But I would suggest that you have now reached the 4th stage of MSW disease and there is no Hope for you. LOL  
    PS it is a life long Malady and You will enjoy.
  12. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to albert in HMS Naiad 1797 by albert - FINISHED - 1/48   
    Another photo

  13. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Nirvana in Schooner Polotsk 1777 by Mike Y and his daughter - Master Korabel - 1:72   
    I agree 100%.
    I recently purchased the Master Korabel Phoenix plus kit.
    Amazing quality.
    Great value.
    Perfect for someone without brilliant woodworking skills, without lots of free time, but who loves model making on a table in his study.
  14. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from greenstone in Schooner Polotsk 1777 by Mike Y and his daughter - Master Korabel - 1:72   
    I agree 100%.
    I recently purchased the Master Korabel Phoenix plus kit.
    Amazing quality.
    Great value.
    Perfect for someone without brilliant woodworking skills, without lots of free time, but who loves model making on a table in his study.
  15. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Old Collingwood in HMS Victory by Ensign - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72   
    Fantastic. What an achievement! 
  16. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Mike Y in Schooner Polotsk 1777 by Mike Y and his daughter - Master Korabel - 1:72   
    I agree 100%.
    I recently purchased the Master Korabel Phoenix plus kit.
    Amazing quality.
    Great value.
    Perfect for someone without brilliant woodworking skills, without lots of free time, but who loves model making on a table in his study.
  17. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Mike Y in Schooner Polotsk 1777 by Mike Y and his daughter - Master Korabel - 1:72   
    Yes, Master Korabel kits are basically unknown outside of ex-USSR countries. They are not really trying to market it internationally, there is even no english website, nobody knows about these kits.
    At the same time, I think they are perfect for beginners. For that price, you can only buy some Artesania Latina kits, and the quality difference is dramatic. This one is a pleasure to build, while AL was a constant struggle (I had AL San Francisco 2). Like trying to bend thick walnut planks vs just gluing in thin pre-cut and pre-shaped veneers. Day and night!
    With AL, I am not sure that creators of the kit were even trying to build it according to the instructions. Here it is clear that the designer spent enough time to make sure that parts really fit together.
    And don't even get me started on quality of wood (pear and ebony in $100 kit!) and fittings. They are really good, brass and photo etch instead of cheap castings.
    Also, it seems to be really authentic design, not a copycat of some other kit in the market. 
  18. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to JesseLee in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   

  19. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to JSGerson in USS Constitution by JSGerson - Model Shipways Kit No. MS2040   
    Final Touches
    I chose not to attach the rudder assembly to the boats due to their very delicate structure. In actuary, the rudders are not stored inside boat when not used. All the oars, masts, and any other accoutrements will be made at the time the boats are to be installed.

  20. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to gsdpic in America by gsdpic - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - 1/48 scale   
    Experiment #1
    So I am well into one of the experiments that I had in mind.  In the past, I have carved things like bow blocks and the stern part of the America (and enjoyed doing so), but I have never really done any "decorative" carving.  I wanted to give that a try here.  I messed around a little with some bass wood but it was very quickly apparent that would not be productive.  So I ordered some Pear and Boxwood from Wood Project Source, and some very small chisels and gouges from Micro-Mark, and started practicing a bit more.
    On the America, there are two decorative swooshes near the bow.   I am sure these things have a name but I don't know what they are called.  The plan shows them like this:

    The Bluejacket kit includes two cast metal parts to be used for this decorative thingy.   I thought this would be a good thing to try to carve a replacement for.  Here is my first attempt, next to the metal part from the kit.  For scale, the white lines on the green mat are half inch apart, so the carving is about 2 inches long.
    So it is far from perfect, but for a first try I was pretty pleased with how it came out.  I won't use this one on the finished model, but I am encouraged enough that I think with a bit more practice I will be able to produce one that I prefer to the cast metal pieces for the finished model.  This was done on the pear wood.  This also has me thinking about trying to pick up some better little chisels and gouges.  I was not impressed with the ones from Micro-Mark, particularly the flat chisels and the v-shaped one.  the rounded gouges were better.
  21. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Larry Drake in Glad Tidings by Larry Drake - Model Shipways - My first build log   
    Started back in April. After cutting the Rabbet and tapering to the bearding line I used magnets and a square to align the bulkheads as I glued them to the keel.

  22. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to Rossi46 in La Real by Rossi46 - Dusek - scale 1/72   
  23. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from ESF in Charles P Notman 1894 by Jond - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - RADIO - Downeast Four-Masted Schooner built by Percy Small   
    I just loved this build log.
    Such a beautiful ship. 
    So amazing that she actually sails.
    Loved the shots of Maine woods and lakes.
    I used to go on vacation from the UK to a little place called Holbrook Pond near Bangor every summer. Your photos reminded me of happy days.
  24. Like
    Tim Curtis got a reaction from Jond in Charles P Notman 1894 by Jond - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - RADIO - Downeast Four-Masted Schooner built by Percy Small   
    I just loved this build log.
    Such a beautiful ship. 
    So amazing that she actually sails.
    Loved the shots of Maine woods and lakes.
    I used to go on vacation from the UK to a little place called Holbrook Pond near Bangor every summer. Your photos reminded me of happy days.
  25. Like
    Tim Curtis reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   


    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Pawel
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