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Posts posted by Worldway

  1. Hi George,


    Welcome to Model Ship World.  First off, forget everything you have learned about plastic model ship building.  You are in a whole new world with wood.  I learnt that lesson the hard way.  Secondly, there are several posts that discuss tools.  One place to look is here 



    Please start a build log and post pictures of your progress.  There are some very darn good modelers here that can help, guide and encourage you along the way.

  2. Thanks for the proportional divider tutorial.  I had started a thread in the tools section and there was a lot of discussions on the pros and cons.  I ended up getting a vintage set off Ebay and paid a pretty penny for them but they are quality and well made.  They were made by Dietzgen for the US Navy Bureau of Ships.  Thanks to your post above I will look forward to using them when I plank my ship.

  3. When I was cutting veneer I found that using a ruler, a very sharp Exacto blade and several passes with light pressure on each pass was what worked for me.  The strips I was cutting was 400 mm long.  I found that if I applied too much pressure or tried to rush then the veneer would move under the ruler and the cut would be off line or the blade would follow the natural grain of the wood and wander away from the ruler edge.  This worked fine when I was cutting strips from a sheet of veneer.  There was lots of material under the ruler for the ruler to 'clamp' down on.  However, it was impossible when I tried to make strips narrower.  There wasn't enough material for the ruler to hold steady.  The strip would always wander.  I will also be curious to see what suggestions come in.

  4. Achu, I'll try moving the strobes closer but, looking back, I like the folds in the back drop.  It kind of gives a feeling of waves in the background.


    Steve. Hoff, TigerSteve, really appreciate the kind words.  Coming from you guys it means a lot.


    Jack, every time I decide to get into a new hobby I go overboard.  Drives the Admiral nuts.  A few years ago I wanted to buy a good DSLR camera.  Once I got it I figured I should learn how to use it. So I ended up getting a certificate in photography from our local College.  Since getting into model building, I've had all this gear sitting there in bags.  The Admiral used to run an at home Daycare and got out of it about 6 months ago.  We now have a large room unused.  So I unpacked some of the gear to see if I could improve the images I have been posting.  Apparently it worked because the comments since I've posted have been extremely positive.  I also posted to Facebook and have been getting a ton of great feed back.  I used to use my cell phone to take the pics but I now think it's going to be the Nikon D7100.  A much nicer job.


    Like I said a while ago, this model isn't 100% finished.  I've ordered tire fenders for it but haven't received them yet.  They have been back ordered for some time but when I get and install them I will post the final pictures.


    Thanks all for following, the great comments, the help and the encouragement.  What a great forum.

  5. I got some inspiration from Moonbug and decided to pull out the gear.  I set up a photo area to take "better" pictures of my builds. Besides I'm having issues with using my cell phone now, not sure of the problem.   Just seeing how things turn out with these pics.











  6. I agree Steve, my current build, the Bluenose will be painted but I have always been a fan of natural wood colours.  I'm sure you have heard of intarsia.  I made a wooden teddy bear for my son when he was born using different woods to achieve different colours on the bear.  I love bringing out the natural wood tones.  Wood should be appreciated and not hidden under layers of paint.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Jack12477 said:

    Derek, if you have any 1/4 x 1/4 inch square stock you could glue it into the 4 corners of that bulkhead and false keel to strengthen that repair.

    I had the same thought.  I knew that I had to install a couple of horn timbers in that area and thought that the blocks would interfere with them.   I just had a good look at the drawings and realized that the filler blocks wouldn't have got in the way.  I think I may do that now just to help with reinforcement and prevent future issues.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Heronguy said:

    When I had the same problem the advice I got was to attache shims then continue with the fairing.  Made sense to me as the fairing will bring each bulkhead into line at the same time


    When I added the strips I noticed that there were "new" gaps.  I'm sure they will go away once I get the fairing finished but it seems now I just have more material to remove.  Also, perhaps someone can answer, the drawings show the fairing line on each bulkhead.  I didn't use that because it wasn't used in Bob Hunt's practicum.  Should I have scribed the lines and cut the bulkhead to the lines to start the fairing process?  I mean, it's too late now to do that but curious for next time.

  9. I then started doing some sanding.  Of course I tried to be gentle but disaster struck



    So I glued the piece back with CA glue then reinforced it with carpenters glue.  I'm wondering if maybe I should have used some 5 minute epoxy.  This is the second time I've had problems in this area


    I'm wondering what is the best way to fair the hull without breaking any more parts off.  I try to be gentle but then I find eventually I get too aggressive. 

  10. When I purchased the Bluenose from Model Shipways I also purchased the accompanying paint set. 


    I had seen some bad reviews about Model Expo's paints.  However I'm not sure if the Model Expo's paints are the same as the Model Shipway's paints.


    It was a small investment to get the paint.  I was more concerned about getting the colours right.  Should I go ahead and use this paint or should I throw my investment in the trash and go another route.  I plan on using a brush and not airbrushing.  If in fact this paint is not recommended, is there something I can do (use thinners etc) to still use it.


    Your comments would be most appreciated.

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