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Everything posted by zappto

  1. Beautiful photos and pretty finish! Really inspiring build!
  2. Thank you Bob, OC. Still working on the green trim. Later will place little gold pieces. Few Photos.
  3. Good to see quality work. What wax you will use for the lines? I have noticed some use bees wax before rigging. Keep good work!
  4. Thank you Scott. Placed the nails, painted all sheerstrakes black color. Working the handrails. Few photos of this week work.
  5. Ship coming along nicely, i like hull color, beautiful build!
  6. Excellent build, i like it is done so neat. Can be proud of it!
  7. Good to see so clean and nice quality rigging, keep up good work!
  8. Thank you Scott, OC! Working on sheerstrakes, reinfrorcements, drilled holes before placing little copper nails.
  9. Beautiful planking, do you use same wood for tree nails as planking? Keep up good work!
  10. Hello. Al seems done very neat and looks great. Do you plan to paint the hull? Keep good work!
  11. Thank you OC, i have used red ocre for side decks. I sow your build, this color looks really well on your ship. I have noticed painting is much more relaxing then wood work. Few photos.
  12. This is pretty piece of art, i like it is done with water, it gives nice view! Well done!
  13. Very nice work indeed, i like your planking, keep up good work!
  14. Creating inside planking of the upper decks. I am still not sure if i will paint deck side planking in red, i have noticed original photos of the model are painted solid red. Few photos.
  15. Congratulation on making so big and pretty ship, you can be very proud of it. It is really nice ship come alive.
  16. Thank you Christian, OC, for checking! My work going on upper planking line adjusting. A lot of measures to make it symmetric both sides. Shaping front and rear castle lines and inside planking. Few photos.
  17. Wow, this is incredible build, very inspiring creation!
  18. Hi, work going on the planking, added inner support for gun ports, few photos.
  19. Wonderful ship, what neat rigging, do you think to make case for it?
  20. I like the colors on this boat you showed, what paint you will use? Very clean work, nice detailing!
  21. Thank you for your likes! Yes, it is getting heavy, hope will not brake my ship holder! I was wondering if it would be possible to make gun holes openings working, which could close and open. Kit provide simple plastic openings holders. Doing research on this.
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