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Everything posted by Timmo

  1. Nice work Joe. They've come very nice indeed. Good move replacing the screens with styrene.
  2. Improved ladder at bottom here with the other one halfway though the treatment to show the difference. Anyone know why iPads rotate pics randomly when uploading to MSW?
  3. The quarterdeck barricade assembled and fitted, no deviation from the kit here. The horizontal rails have some very helpful locating holes pre drilled through them at the points where columns fit. This helped with stability as brass rod was used to pin e various parts together. The ladder sides are made of walnut ply and are both over scale thickness and show the laminate lines. The ladders were made up and then had the sides thinned down with a disc sander. A thin strip of walnut was added as a veneer over the sides and face. One side was done at a time as they become quite fragile when thinned down so much. Ladders as kit provided. One side thinned ( upper)
  4. Does anyone know of an online source of collets and or chucks that will fit a dremel (1/8 inch I think) to enable smaller micro drill, pinvice type bits to be used and also larger pieces? I've just got the work station/drill press for my dremel and want to use my smaller hand drills in it. I'm also interested in possibly using it as a rudimentary lathe if I can find a regular power drill type chuck that would allow it to take larger dowels. The drill press that isn't until I can find a better collet. Dremel collet on right, pinvice next to it. I want something like the pinvice collet that fits the dremel.
  5. Looking forward to this one Jason. You've done a fine job on snake and Diana has always been on the wish list for me. I've spent far too much time poring over AOTS Diana. Granado would have been finished months ago if it wasn't for the alluring curves of Diana...
  6. A long time distracted and then rigging guns but here they are. Remaining deck furniture up next including bitts, pumps, QD barricade and the tiller housing.
  7. Nice work Joe. Starting to wish I'd done the same there with the treenails
  8. Great star with the treenails Joe. Nice clean drill work there.
  9. Nice work Mike. Keep on trucking and maybe Amati's Bellona will be on the market by the time you finish her.... Maybe...
  10. Great work Ray. Those pics show off everything that I love about your Diana- a busy looking yet still spacious quarterdeck that those open railings show nicely. I've said it before but will say again those Flemish coils are fantastic. Small point but I see there's a couple of plank ends at the break in the quarterdeck that are black on the end and are noticeable compared to the others. A wee sand there or dab of woody coloured paint would do the trick.
  11. Just a thought Joe, I wished I'd blanked off the view across the hull through the rear cabin lights. It's only visible on mine when directly side on but you wouldn't be able to see clear through the ship at that point due to bulkheads, cabin partitions etc.
  12. Thanks Andy, Joe and others. Andy It's a montieths imperial pilsner. A touch hoppy at 7% but not overly so. Well recommended, along with autumn sunshine, the smell of roasting chicken and kids playing in the backyard...along with ships it's part of my Sunday arvo ritual to make my 'happy place.'
  13. Minor progress with the chain plates pinned in place. A mast was put in place and some rigging line tied off to give the run of the chainplates. I pulled my old Sherbourne out recently to contribute to a display of my dad's woodwork and boats and noticed I must have fixed the chainplates as per the plans rather than following the rigging line. It's only noticeable on the Sherbourne now I know what to look for but I'm keen to avoid that mistake with Granado. The fleet takes in the last of the autumn sunshine together.
  14. Hi Joe, I had no trouble with the deck stripping from the kit after it was given an edge sand. Most of the issues in my build came from positioning the gun port patterns. I measured position from the stern and ended up with the bow chase ports unevenly aligned by about 3mm. This wasn't noticed until after the first planking but required a lot of filing to fix. In hindsight I suspect it was a slightly uneven curvature to the patterns at the bow that put them out- there was a slight kink in one. I should have realised when it required one to be trimmed at the fore end to fit. As you know the position if those ports will be vital for positioning the cat heads and head rails later and greatly affect the symmetry of the bow. Take your time. Also. Nice filler blocks.
  15. That kink issue sounds familiar but I don't have any pics of my early build to check. As long as it takes a smooth run (eg even with it unglued on number 3) that's the main thing. Those uprights all come off later anyway.
  16. Whatever looks best to your eye really. I'd try one without a lid and and see how it looks next the others then decide. I don't think having no lids is a big issue if it looks right to you and it's easy enough to just cut some more from a strip of timber and put them on. The lack of hinges is no drama and a model often looks better with a cleaner result without some of the tinier details if they don't come out how you like. I grew quite fond of my Granado in the year or more it spent without sweep hinges them before they were put on recently.
  17. Joe, that transome should curve slightly as suggested by the learned scholars here. Here's what mine looks like from underneath. I'd love to see a Granado with boxwood.
  18. Welcome to the wonderful world of Granado, Joe. She's a great kit and will reward a builder of your patience and skill. I look forward to seeing her grow. Irony is I was thinking it's about time for something with copper after my Granado.
  19. Peter, I can't believe I've never come across your fine build before. You make sails look easy and a thing of beauty. Top work.
  20. Nice, especially with the amended planking. If that's a third of the oars then cruel and unusual punishment awaits people building this beast when it hits the market!
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