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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. MCB, you've turned a nondescript vessel into a jewel. I applaud your efforts, especially considering you're working at 1:160
  2. And when is building going to commence? I'm 74, I'd like to see this thing get off the ground before I go.
  3. M2S, I hope you start a build log. We enjoy watching the progress of our new members.
  4. Mike, sorry to hear about your physical problems, I hope and pray it's not MS. I'm a successful Parris Island graduate, class of 67. We do tend to go for the gusto till the wheels come off. Alaska is living on the edge, I think anyone who lived there is a book that needs to be written.
  5. Bill Yes, they ship to USA Their website doesn't give an email address but on my last order I was emailing them via.......... sales@cornwallmodelboats.co.uk Hopefully that still works.
  6. What's not to like about living in a zoo? Brown bears sleeping on the porch at night, mother moose and her two calves having a walk about through the yard, fox, lynx, wolverine, wolves, coyotes, eagles, geese, ducks, salmon, huge trout, literally not a fence anywhere, open land from Bristol Bay to the Gulf of Alaska, Mother Nature trying to do you in when you've gotten stupid, Mother Nature teaching you to respect all things, absolute total silence when the only thing you can hear is your blood pumping in your ears, and a ever growing appreciation for His creation.........it was OK.
  7. Mort, wouldn't you wait to copper the rudder until after the hull was coppered? Sorry, Gregory, boiled eggs..........heck, I was lucky to remember eggs were involved!
  8. Cornwall link to a 13 MM brass wheel...... https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=mm ships 12 wheel&PN=Aeronaut-5655-13-Wheel-Brass-8-spoked-13mm-AN5655_13.html#SID=663
  9. Will, of all the blackening agents I've used, Birchwood Casey brass black is the best. Birchwood Casey also makes a plum brown which sounds intriguing but I've never had the need or didn't know that I had the need. I'd like to play with it for grins and giggles just to see what the actual color is. As far as antiquing the copper tiles after applying to the hull.......that's the way I'd want to go but one would have to make certain that there were no CA spots or you'd get a splotchy coloration. The hull would need to be as clean as you could possibly make it. I kinda like the egg shell approach, take three eggs and call me in the morning.
  10. Will, I think the deck looks fantastic, I really like the color. I agree with Maliba 100%, get the hull finished before adding bits to the deck.....patience. I've never coppered a hull so I maybe talking out of my hat but, I'd start at the waterline and move down. That way the uneven tile are hidden along the garboard/keel edge and can't be seen when the model is on it's stand. I'd wait to copper the rudder till the hull was coppered, that way you can match the tile line from the hull to the rudder making for a even flowing look. You're doing a great, keep up the good work.
  11. Scott, I use acrylic hobby paint and the white I use is antique white.
  12. Jeff, welcome to MSW. I look forward to you starting a build log.
  13. Mike, welcome to MSW. What part of the Alaska were you in? My wife and I lived in Egegik for nine years.
  14. Casi, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your build of the Commerce de Marseille.
  15. My thoughts on being a member of MSW/NRG is, we're family. At times we may disagree, sometimes vigorously but we cheer each others success and we suffer as one when tragedy befalls one of us.
  16. Rshousha, I'm sorry for your loss, my condolences.
  17. I couldn't agree more regarding Cornwall, top shelf folks.
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