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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Trond, burnt umber = dark brown. No, I wouldn't paint acrylic on top of oil paint, I'd stay with oil paint. To varnish or not to varnish is a personal preference. I varnish because it protects, a mat varnish is best.
  2. Trond, when I've that same situation come up I've mixed acrylic craft paints to blend in the spots. In your case I'd start with burnt umber and add a small bit of red. If it's too dark add a small bit of yellow. You'll have to play with the mixture till you make a satisfactory match. For me, it's a lot of fun trying to mix up a suitable match. The ship is really looking nice, you're doing a great job.
  3. That's funny only because it was an easy fix. You need to post a picture of the culprits.
  4. Is that like my dog ate my homework? The model is really looking good especially considering it's your first build.
  5. Mauro, welcome to MSW. Your model engine is a beautiful, I look forward to following your model ship build when started.
  6. Brian, don't sell yourself short. If the end result is as good as the now, I think they'ed be happy to have your model provided they have the space to display it.
  7. That's sharp, doesn't even look close to the same ship you started with.
  8. Hey brother, you forgot to post the attached to boat photo, 10th step. The stove pipe turned out sweet, great job.
  9. bbb555, welcome to MSW. As Dmitriy said, It's never too late to start a build log. It's a lot easier for someone to help you if they can see the area you're having a problem with plus we get to enjoy your work.
  10. Jonathan, she's looking so nice. Just last night I was wondering about a update from you on your Alabama build. Steady on, you've rounded third and are almost home.
  11. Gus, go to "search" top right (corrected) on the home page and search "rope coiling". You'll see how others have done coiled rope, pictures are worth a thousand words. Where are the coils you made going to be placed?
  12. Bill, welcome to MSW. I hope you're able to find a model that grabs your interest. If you do, please start a build log and join in the party.
  13. Tom, Pat, Keith, and Phil, thank you for the encouraging words and thank you to all for the likes. Today I finished the fore lower yard which looks just like the main lower yard so I'll save MSW some bandwidth and not post a photo. Because of Spring I've been in the yard a lot so finding time to work on the spars has been a challenge. When I do get a chance to work on them, I'm struggling getting the small fiddly bits positioned exactly where I want them to go. Struggling does not make the task enjoyable, obviously I'm having eyesight issues. I've tidied up the worktable and I'm going to try rearranging my lighting and if that doesn't help I'm going to order a magnifier hood. As of now I'm dependent on my reading glasses. Everyone enjoy the warmer weather, take care, and thank you again.
  14. Gus, I like the stain you chose, it's a very pleasing color. Your project is coming along nicely.
  15. Matey, welcome to MSW. I hope you'll start a build log for your San Francisco model.
  16. Brian, very believable modeling, well done! The propulsion system is spot on and the armor platting came out great, love the bolt/rivet head look.
  17. Ben, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Le Marteagou build log.
  18. Mr P, welcome to MSW.
  19. TH, welcome to MSW.
  20. Henry, I hope you and the restoration are doing well. I look forward to seeing an update on your efforts.
  21. Impressive to say the least, the workmanship is absolutely beautiful.
  22. Mike, it could have been illness or failed eyesight/loss of dexterity due to old age or the unthinkable. Glad to see you're taking the opportunity to finish the model and make whoever for whatever reason proud.
  23. Bill, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Swift build log.
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