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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Greg, I'm sure most of us could scrounge at least four from the wasteland perimeter.
  2. I just did, the eggshell measured .015 to .016 , 1/64 inch = .015625 Glueing surface, what glueing surface?
  3. David, I don't think any doubted your ability to recover. Nicely done. To my uncalibrated eye it appears that the plank thickness is just about that of an egg shell, close?
  4. Because we're a captive audience. I've had a mulch kit on order from Cub Cadet for my brand new never mowed a blade of grass way too expensive lawn tractor since March 2nd. I can't mow my yard without a mulch kit. No aftermarket alternatives, so, we wait like the trained consumers we've become. Chris, hopefully they get your paint to you in short order.
  5. David, hoping the repair goes smoothly and that you're pleased with the end result.
  6. Trond, a little more than half as big but no more than three quarters as big is what my eye is telling me for what it's worth. The most important is it has to please you! Good work.
  7. Moving stinks, I hope your life gets back to normal in short order.
  8. Dump the trash? When's the last time that bench was cleaned! That thing's got so much motor oil and 90 WT soaked into it, it's a wonder everything doesn't slide off........ spot on realism.
  9. Keith, it'll be interesting to see how you portray the DS. On US Navy ships it seems the DS was 90 degrees to the waterline. Most models have the DS 90 degrees to the bowsprit. In both old and new photographs I see it done both ways so it can't affect functionality or it would be only one way.
  10. David, I can't believe how tight the planks are. Once all the planks are on and you've done the final sanding, it's going to look like a carved hull. Amazing work.
  11. Michael, we're an equal opportunity forum We share many building projects. We have a member with a build log featuring a pirate ship bed he's building for his son. We have car models, plane models, shop renovations, work shed builds, on and on. The MSW home page is easy to navigate with many categories of interest. In fact, so many varied and interesting topics that I find myself puttering about more in MSW than working on my projects. And that's Ok because I learn a great many things. I hope you enjoy your stay......Keith
  12. Phil, any updates on Hannah? Hoping all is well with you and yours.
  13. Kirk, welcome to MSW. I hope you find a build log here that inspires you to start your own build log.
  14. Michael, welcome aboard to MSW. I look forward to following your build log once you get up and running.
  15. Kramer, welcome to MSW. I look forward to watching the progress on your Albatros build.
  16. MCB, you've turned a nondescript vessel into a jewel. I applaud your efforts, especially considering you're working at 1:160
  17. And when is building going to commence? I'm 74, I'd like to see this thing get off the ground before I go.
  18. M2S, I hope you start a build log. We enjoy watching the progress of our new members.
  19. Mike, sorry to hear about your physical problems, I hope and pray it's not MS. I'm a successful Parris Island graduate, class of 67. We do tend to go for the gusto till the wheels come off. Alaska is living on the edge, I think anyone who lived there is a book that needs to be written.
  20. Bill Yes, they ship to USA Their website doesn't give an email address but on my last order I was emailing them via.......... sales@cornwallmodelboats.co.uk Hopefully that still works.
  21. What's not to like about living in a zoo? Brown bears sleeping on the porch at night, mother moose and her two calves having a walk about through the yard, fox, lynx, wolverine, wolves, coyotes, eagles, geese, ducks, salmon, huge trout, literally not a fence anywhere, open land from Bristol Bay to the Gulf of Alaska, Mother Nature trying to do you in when you've gotten stupid, Mother Nature teaching you to respect all things, absolute total silence when the only thing you can hear is your blood pumping in your ears, and a ever growing appreciation for His creation.........it was OK.
  22. Mort, wouldn't you wait to copper the rudder until after the hull was coppered? Sorry, Gregory, boiled eggs..........heck, I was lucky to remember eggs were involved!
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