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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Sorry, Wiki link is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Tennessee_(1865)somehow I corrupted during C&P.......KB
  2. Greetings My name is Keith Black and I'm new to the NRG. My reason for joining is that I'm currently restoring a model of the steam frigate USS Tennessee; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Tennessee_(1865) I'm pretty confident the model was built between 1895 and 1905 by someone with first hand experience of the Tennessee (possible former crew member) I came to be caretaker of this model when I purchased it several years ago off eBay. As you can imagine all the rigging was shot (rigging has since been removed) and at some point the model had became a toy with the expected results (broken and missing pieces) I've not been a modeler till now but I'm getting lots of OJT. I'm desperately trying to do both the model and modeler justice by not putting too much of my stamp in the restoration process. I've spent the better part of three years looking and the model and doing research before starting restoration. But most importantly, I am saving it from the rubbish bin. Pictures of the steam frigate Tennessee seem to be rare. The easy ones are at the two at the Navy docks in Florida and Brooklyn. The one at Brooklyn is during refitting and the one at Florida is so small, any detail is almost impossible to see. If anyone has a link to other photographs or information please provide, I'll be eternally grateful. I'll post a couple of pics if someone is interested though I'm somewhat hesitant to do so if fear of having done something wrong, as they say, ignorance is bliss. I think it will be about six months till I'm ready to start rigging. The period of combined sail and steam is fascinating to me and I look forward to striking up conversations with like minded folks. Thank you in advance for any suggestions and links...........KB
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