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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Sorry to hear you came down with Covid, Pat. Wishing you a speedy recovery back to full strength.
  2. I've raised chickens, they're not all that bright. I'm having a difficult time understanding why this would ever have become a problem in the first place. That picture Glen posted of them sitting on the carts, hell they're already in the production line albeit at the end but never the less. Splain to me, Lucy.
  3. Grant, surely the Bovquin found on the Hawaiian Island Mooey Mooey can be allowed.
  4. When dealing with unexplainable phenomena I turn to Professor Maximus.
  5. Nils, I came across this eBay listing I found interesting. The plate attachment is nicely done but sadly the hull shape is a bit whack. I've included the listing where all the photos can be viewed. They're pretty crummy and it's almost impossible to see the inside of the hull. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145312092622?hash=item21d54691ce:g:k-QAAOSwH4ZlCid7&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8L8iKR6lE2Uf59SNQgTXtLrvv5KV8QrnXgchXEtJoOe%2FI4o9cVa6cv1vDgPi0PPJ6ERWXpo%2BVRnvdTwbtm41Y8P5fTryRrY1rbMptsS7dnvVhJ9QMWCsDy5O2mJgwNNiHUkTtlhUgEmqfPBKvRKykAd0R%2BLpozgKLYjUX5UKvMmhMSltddaq%2Fx24JzDMEH60dzLd9AL0HON69aSdKY9ALaSnSdipQUGPZm39fv9%2FlrjoX7lmTSHbrjkNDOPk%2FKPknmY0MW18821sEtrCa3%2B03NO76KFgHYkEoK6ViRwQS5m5Jne1W%2FdKAW2adSe0ugNE7Q%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM5sL5yoFj
  6. Eric, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Very unique and very well done. It was a pleasure following along.
  8. Yeah, some of that time probably stems from that "I delude myself that I am still a bit of a catch"
  9. I love the way the acrylic pane imperfections give the lights that old glass look.
  10. Ross, MSW is far from perfect but of all the sites out there, IMHO, MSW is the best. I was recently disappointed by actions taken by the MSW leadership and considered stepping away but after a week of sleeping on it, I'm not leaving. MSW is my home, warts and all. We're not going to see eye to eye with all our fellow MSW members. Three or four years ago a situation arose where another member and myself, for whatever reason, we rubbed each other the wrong way. I stewed about it for a week and finally hit the ignore button to that member's post. It's made my MSW experience so much less stressful. Step away for a week or two, if you miss being part of the MSW community come back dedicated to participating in that part of MSW which makes you the happiest. Wishing you the best.........Keith
  11. Keith, did you build your workshop? I watch numerous BBC shows and the lets are a trip in both condition and construction. I like the ship's wheel, a lot.
  12. Luc, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. Tom, I think making a nice ship's wheel is one of the hardest task. I'm pulling for you.
  14. Siggi, your eyes are better than mine. I don't see a difference in frame widths or your tick marks. They're splendid I'd say.
  15. FYI, once the navies introduced steam propulsion in the 1850's not only where there preventer chains there were also emergency steering chains going through the hull leading to a capstan where rudder control could be maintained while the ships wheel steering mechanism was repaired. From what I can see in photos of the period the preventer chain and the emergency steering chain were different sizes.
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