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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. You ole dog, you can't leave us in the lurch like that. I demand a hint!
  2. Glen, you just keep getting better and better with the ship portion of your builds. The Quinquereme is really neat in her current state but she's going to be stunning when you complete her. Hats off.
  3. Grant, the water surface now looks great, very natural. The whole project is absolutely superb.
  4. OWTT, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Tom, I think the pumps and grating looks great. What wood is the grating made from? Beautiful color. Enjoy your trip to Maine.
  6. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Bob, glad to hear you're recovering. Don't overdo working on your beautiful Nina.
  8. Yeah, I don't see it going in someone's home as the size makes it a bit impractical but I do see it going into a country club dinning area particularly an area near a coast. She's kinda special, I hope she finds that special place.
  9. I've been following since day one and I'm in awe of Leo's abilities and dedication to getting the Tally Ho back in the water as good or better than the first day she sailed long ago. There are no half measures to work that's been done on the Tally Ho, what's been done is first class. The planking was/is a great education of how to.
  10. Here's he latest Tally Ho YouTube video, you can view how hanging a rudder is done in a real life situation.
  11. Allan, were you able to contact the owner? He's lowered the price by $150.00 but as large as the model is, it's going to be a difficult sell. https://www.ebay.com/itm/295773843113?hash=item44dd7eaea9:g:qEUAAOSwiJ5kX59S&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAABIG383h50WJaj1wHYcR4wxVqsUJaM5H3EBvatqvDvTbHeGBQhiUhxJ4G8udreW1dX2i%2FkvFtZg%2FPlG8VZ2nI8NRxOsIq8G4iPUbg3jIGf0dxHFwcZ2xhZYnJgB3rR0WRsMgcx6Bx9iBuYzHwRZCtK9QEgalsVk%2Ff34komEaziofJqESpTvD%2FA9wwdIOvAQc7Y64nB2%2FjEIn34V62ywKVlh7PbTgDfwBVUYcTYvGv4VrKVV5FAFJB9J8%2FzTMCoqFqehMXGuZAicsYLMhGE0Ua04cmOG2o%2FiBlLdkzTjh0anO0Bu9chM%2BPkVxYv8GFCpizC2160UNZBTq%2FZZOGXlokqzqx%2BzqyCDzOPztn%2BuSjmQvSsFsmAUp%2BwpJatVY%2Bcx5bOcA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5LJuJegYg
  12. Igor, I look forward to further episodes.
  13. Fantastic space and that portal looks great, that'll be a nice element. But I have to say, the inevitable tiny bit projectile is going to be as hard to see as summer in a snowstorm.
  14. -35 Battle Penguins flying in tight formation. After joining PA I was penguin free for almost two months but alas......the road to recovery is hard.
  15. It's hard not to be drawn into this discussion when you have penguin addiction. I will not speak of it, I take a vow of silence. 🐧
  16. Steve, she's a beautiful little rig. Wish I was there to help as I'd love to make or help make something that neat and pleasing to the eye.
  17. Eric, great workspace and it even comes with a bed! After following your's and Brian's workshop builds I have workshop envy to the max.
  18. Remarkable and that it's your father's work makes it even that much more remarkable. I guess we all chase after our fathers hand.
  19. Igor, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  20. Freedo, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  21. Tom, sorry to hear about your back. Looking forward to you resuming work on the Sophie.
  22. SC, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  23. What a great story, VB, especially coming on the heals of Father's Day. Thank you for that.
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