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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. I placed the model in its permanent place on the hutch to see what it will look like......Lots of room for it. Rob
  2. I call it *Hyper detailing*...where you go beyond typical and you attempt to include details found on the prototype..regardless how insignificant. Rigging can be a storehouse of detail...when done in scale. Good luck. Rob
  3. Thank everyone for their comments and likes....I appreciate that very much. I began working on the forward railing with wire/chain rail and stanchions. No pix yet..but I'll get to it..... Rob
  4. Nah..Popeye...I used boats from two sources. All my Cutty boats have been used on the Donald McKay and the Glory. I picked up many scale boats from a fellow in town who sold all his collection of models and moved to Reno...Good for me. Not sure where he collected them...some are from several Constitution and other sailing ships. I do have a single CS long boat..but it is too large for the scale I'm in. I have dozens of white metal boats.....I might make the two whale boats that will be swung from the davits. Thanks for your comment. Rob
  5. Thanks Patrick..you are so right. I love historical nautical items(Actually, that is all I collect). Rob
  6. What a wonderful holiday Christmas season...I hope and pray all my friends here had a great time with family and friends. I was up to a bit of creativeness apart from my GR build. For Christmas a cousin gave me a brass porthole with the glass intact that came from a 45ft sailboat he purchased in Japan 40 years ago. the boat has been destroyed since then, but he retained 7 of the portholes..one of which he gave me. So I dusted it off and retained the old chipped paint and oxidized brass and I then added a clock to it and placed it above the whaling section of my nautical den. What a perfect addition to my nautical collection. Here's a couple images for your enjoyment. I'm in the process of fabricating the 6 crab winches and aft sky light........ Rob
  7. W2YSM..(ie).. Picard.. I'm very pleased with the results. If my hands and eyes were 20 years younger...I may have taken another route. That route surely would have included re-engineering something to create the panels..that's for sure. I tend to settle for things..then I did years ago. One thing remains....I try to inject something ingenious(jab at humour), that makes the build easier to complete. I truly appreciate the many likes and fine comments. Rob
  8. Thanks for the holiday salutations.....Popeye. Wishing the best for you and yours this Christmas season as well. I keep a varied size of mesh screen on hand for such an occasion. It has many applications in the modeling world. I'll utilize anything in the building of my clippers. Rob
  9. I appreciate that Omega and Tarbrush. I'm always looking for ways to save time and effort and in the end the result is quite convincing. Wood doesn't always have to be the final choice of building material. And since these panels are 1/8" in size...I found the compromise to tediousness. Rob
  10. Well...My way is always the easiest route...not the best.....sometimes. Thanks for the fine comments. Rob
  11. I pretty much throw things together..so the kindness shown with all the likes is very much appreciated. Smaller scale models lend to mimicked detail.....or applied detail. I can get away with many flaws. Rob
  12. After this I fill and paint around the windows and all the panels in white paint. I added the capstan polls to the rear of the aft cabin and the capstan. Lastly will be the sky light and the 6 crab winches. The scale is pretty small and most work requires magnifying goggles. (I'm getting old) I hope this little look into the unorthodox building techniques of these cabins helps demonstrate how much of a hack builder I really am. Rob
  13. After this I select screen mesh and paint then cut out the window panes and add them.
  14. After that I apply contact cement to the building sides and to each panel piece and locate them on the building. I also apply *N* scale door panels as well and then paint the spot where the windows will be located.
  15. Well let me see... I first select a good swath of nylon mesh for the panel simulation
  16. Ed I appreciate your attentiveness toward the details that are missed by even the most discriminating viewer. Plus, I believe the scale you selected lends itself to such details I could only hope that if I were able to mimic simply half the detail you have addressed with your YA build...I feel I would have built a quality scale model myself. Visiting the Maritime museum in Virginia..it was evident the best detail was captured in enormous models over 6~10ft long. You have been an inspiration. Merry Christmas. Rob
  17. Thanks Popeye..a lot. I have only the two aft houses and the sky light and capstan....then the 6 crab winches and then I can tackle the main turned post rail. Marry Christmas. Rob
  18. Tarbrush.suppose I can take some images of the paneling step to document the process. It might help some to see my multi media approach to construction. The holidays are getting in the way of some serious building, but I hope the week after Christmas I can devote some real time to the project. Rob
  19. I, unlike yourself Ed, will have a fantastic example to follow......thanks. Rob(Beautiful as usual)
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