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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. I second the sanding sticks had them for about 6 months still in good shape there cheap. Also found this flexible foam palm sander at Wal-Mart has 10 pads of different grits held by Velcro is extremely flexible will get into most areas extremely soft and pliable, easy on the wrist and fingers, sanding pads last forever well almost. True value has them as well as Lowe's. Lowe's sander is a bit bigger and offers only 2 grits 60, 120 they also have a bigger one shaped like a palm sander. Really one of the best sanding products for the money. The small one at WM $ 5.99 Lowe's bigger one $ 6.00
  2. Frank, I think you made the right decision, its a work boat (a beautiful one at that kudos).
  3. Of all the luggers we boarded in the late 60s and early 70s (there weren't to many left by the end of the early 80s) They always had 2 or 3 tires where they would ride over the rail at the widest part of the boat. They trawled from the stern once the trawl boards broke the water they would make wide circles washing the catch into the end of the bag then winching in the tail bag of catch. They had what was called a lazy line just above the throat of the bag and haul it into the boat a little forward of midship. I believe the rail it was refereed to as a chafing rail assisted in the lifting of the bag keeping it away from the hull so the webbing would not catch on any protrusions , nail heads, splinters etc. Its been a long time memory fades I think I am right though I could be wrong Did it happen to be docked at the large processor by the old Biloxi Bridge ? By the way absolutely accurate and beautiful build brings back a lot of memories
  4. Will Feel for you started mine 2013 on the final page of the rigging was making too many mistakes working too fast. Started another build and am going back and forth sometimes you just need a break. Think of what you will have when completed it will be worth the effort. Good Luck.
  5. Happy B'day many more to follow:cheers:

    1. jud


      Thanks John


  6. Ken, Will be into a Mamoli connie later down the road. where did you purchase the 25mm figures thanks
  7. 111111 Never found them in my searches, look good I would try them, no minimum and I bet shipping will be cheaper than buying from an ebayer.
  8. Steven, Checked Amazon book is available in 3 formats, I think I will order this date based on your recommendation. I poured over the internet and very little on construction or the spiritual aspects. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. So simple have had the same problems in the past I see this and think of all the aggravation I could have saved. Ugh
  10. Alexander, Your the master, what wood is your favorite for your figureheads?
  11. Igorsky, Yes I wanted to build a large model of the Waca including all the intricate carving on the figure heads on the bow and fantail. I believe it will be a good representation when I finish. Having little to none carving experience I don't feel intimidated with a large scale at this time. I plan to make numerous small ones in the 12 to 24" inch range and hopefully sell them when my skills improve.
  12. Denis, Edited and corrected my posting as it should be, thanks for the heads up. I have found Maori history absolutely fascinating and sadly find extremely disturbing what has happened to indigenous people across the world with European expansion may not be politically correct but our Native Americans are still being screwed apologize to administrators ahead of time. On with the build
  13. Hi Denis, I have it listed in my signature as a Waca (Maori war canoe) and should not have eliminated it my posting log, I stand corrected.
  14. Probably not, canoes were as large as 60 feet if scaled down to 30 inches I was basing that on 1/2 inch to a foot?
  15. Maori War Canoe will be carved from Basswood, have not picked which fantail and bow carvings to use, many to pick from see picks. Having no carving experience will start on the hull first. Intricate carvings for fantail and bow will be pear or Sculpy. Read Dan Vads tuturioral on Sculpy and may go that route since after baking it appears as sturdy as wood??
  16. Patrick I am amazed your fingers are still limber and not locked up working on such a small scale. Have followed this since you started amazing.
  17. Mark, Bad customer service, and support have put more than one business under the bus. I am sorry for the time and expense you have had to expend to get a costly piece of equipment up and running where not talking about an exacto knife. You helped a lot of folks think twice before hopping on the band wagon with all your cognizant posts and reviews and saved them a lot of frustration and expense. Kudos 10 times over.
  18. Mark, Man how quick did the Death Star take to whip out those carriages? I need one but Darth Vader took a light saber to my checking account.
  19. Your is not the only model I have seen this on I want to be educated on the procedure of placing decorations. You have carved some beautiful rings painted gold when placed on your ship they appear to be put atop moldings, my question is should the molding be cut at either end so the medallions lay totally flat against the hull instead of on top of molding or planks. I will be doing some simple carving soon and want to be correct Please I am just curious and this in no way should be taken as criticism
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