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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Chuck,

     I am reading ahead and gather parts and I came across this step:



    At the bow, the three "bow fillers" were
     glued into position following the plans (BF1,
     BF2 and BF3). These were pretty straight
     forward although I made sure that the tops
     were level on both the port and starboard
    Is BF1 the main Bulkhead Former as I can’t locate a BF1 in the drawings or as a part.




  2. Assembly has begun in my Hobbyzone Slip. What a PITA assembly of the slip. Anyway here we go
  3. Went to Staples today after FedEx failed again. Staples had no issues. She said the 8.5x11 original file confuses people that are newbies.
  4. Okay heading back for round four. I will tell them print with no scale as in document. This is a former Kinkos now a FedEx. Been a Kinkos for years with a FedEx attached.
  5. I am waiting for my Hobbyzone building slip to arrive Thursday. So on Sunday I downloaded the 40 x 30 drawings and Chapter One to a USB stick and made the trip to my local Kinkos to get them printed and As Rogers luck would have it an issue arose. When opened the 40x30 are saved 8.5x11. I know this should not be an issue and Kinkos should be able to handle it. The operator said the only way to print them was by “ Fit to page”, she printed the First one and I checked the scale with my tiny pocket measuring tape and the scale looked spot on. I get home and I am cleaning up char and on a whim just happened to place the aft end former on the drawing and it was off waaaaaaaaay off. So I took my nuts on Woodpecker 6 inch rule and put it on the scale. As you go from left to right you can see a slight change in scale. By the time you get to the end it is 1/16th. The bulkhead is a full 1/4 off. I brought the drawings back and of course they blamed whoever made the file. I told them that was not possible as at least 50 people had downloaded these drawings and if it were a problem with the drawing it would have been fixed. Then she said she could fix it but I needed to know the percentage of enlargement. Any help on this will be appreciated. I don’t understand the difference between the scale error and the plan error or why they can’t do a full screen rendering, adjust the scale and then print. But then again I am not a professional printer.
  6. I have started my Winnie journey. Guys looking at pictures don’t really get how big this girl is. WOW! I ordered Chuck’s Laser cut bulkheads, former and Chapter One and Two components. Here is a shot of the bulkheads.
  7. Have you thought about what kind of stand you are going to set her on? If pedestals now would be the time to put extra wood in to screw into. What frames would you set them in if you were to use pedestals?
  8. I figured I could draw 1/2 inch on each side of bulkhead. I’ll be starting a log next week after my Hobbyzone building slip arrives.
  9. Chuck can the tick marks be put on the sides of the bulkheads prior to assembly. Would be a lot easier on a flat horizontal surface.
  10. Question 2 Which one offers the accessories I need.
  11. I finished the Essex today so the Winnie is up next. I am waiting on my Hobbyzone building slip to arrive, sometime next week I hope. I am worried about ripping all those planks and keeping all the demensions correct. I have a Micromark saw but the fence on that thing really sucks. I am thinking seriously of getting a Byrnes Saw but I have to ask the Admiral if I get it in the divorce. With the bulkheads, parts 1 and 2 of the model, carvings and Byrnes saw I would be in over a Grand. BUT she loves how the Essex looks, I showed her the Winnie’s bulkheads and she was truly impressed.
  12. Check Veneersupplies.com. Very reasonable. I cover both the veneer and the base with Titebond Wood Glue, let it dry and then iron it on. Works like a champ.
  13. I have never done a clinker myself but I think what I would do is just plank it like you normally would and then clinker over it.
  14. The outstanding Passaro instruction manual is available online on the Modelexpo site. It is not only a fine build manual it is also a teaching manual.
  15. I got a hold of John Garcia and got the extra guns for mine. Here is a photo of the diorama I made.
  16. Age of sails has some awesome hooks.
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