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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Chuck when you open Chapter 1 it only shows 14 pages. Stops where Ron is now.
  2. I am trying to assemble everything I need AND waiting for Chapter 2 to be released before I start a log. I am also in the final stages of my Essex Build
  3. Jack my wife told me I had a change of mind and now I would like the Boxwood carvings instead of the Jujube.
  4. As stated on another thread maybe 4 on Friday. See the thread on purchasing CNC carvings the next bulkhead run info is contained within.
  5. I would want the complete wood carved set including the figurehead. I would get the resin figurehead from Chuck if he has it available. This is for a modification.
  6. I would like a Jujube wood set. Are the columns in one of the laser cut sets? Will the resin figurehead be available singular for those of us that that may want to turn the head straight as Chuck demonstrated? If so at what price? I am in no rush for the carvings as a just dropped a bunch on everything else
  7. Read this last night. Explains the process very well.
  8. What does 2A-10BC tell me?
  9. You should be able to rotate your model 360 degrees and lock it in when working however dependent on the size of your model you will need to attach taller end pieces to accomplish complete rotation. We just used two brackets that came with the unit and extended the ends. Worked great, still rock solid lock. I also have the Amati keel stand and this is heads and shoulders above that unit.
  10. The Hobbyzone Professional dock is awesome.
  11. You can also patina the copper with this product sold at stained glass outlets.
  12. I believe there is a block hidden on the far side. There appears to be a line emanating from where the sheet disappears.
  13. A good friend of mine has three laser machines and a computer controlled router. Sooooooo.
  14. I use the MicroMark Handheld Micro Sander a lot. Has several different shaped head attachments and has three grits available. 180, 220, 400. Another great add is the Syren Ship Company Serving Machine. Really adds to your models rigging.
  15. “For example, there are no bulkheads and false keel or ply parts for sale laser cut. You will need to buy the required sheets of 1/4" plywood sheets and cut your own parts using a scroll saw.” I am confused, so what are the $200 bulkhead set available on Syren?
  16. Try Shapeways or ModelMonkey.
  17. I can’t find anywhere on the NRG website that mentions this special or how to renew for two years. All I see is one year renewal. It would help if there was a Winnie Special button, where you push and renew for two years.
  18. Or time for a crashing flying boat diorama...that would be very cool.
  19. Pictures of the Charles W Morgan show chain being lifted by the forward windlass.
  20. Would it be possible to put the two 11x17 sheets in the same file as the 40 x 30 sheets so it would be easier to get it all printed at Kinkos?
  21. Go to ‘More’ above in the banner, press Articles Data Base, Press Planking and viola Butt Shift Plan and decking calculator.
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