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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Make a Diorama out of her. Strip her down, put in a yard setting on blocks and then do as you please with restoring the rigging.
  2. I didn’t see a tab either and that would make it hard to remove the top of the ribs when you remove the frame. If you look real close at Chuck’s photos you’ll note the tape is just the width with a tab at top. You want to be able to grip it with tweezers and remove it easily when required. Not sure if the entire thing taped would come off easily, I mean it may but....
  3. Referred to as “Crossing the T”
  4. I embroidered the sails on my Santa Maria. I would show pictures but she was sold.
  5. It is going to turn out just fine. As you add floorboards and seating, coats of paint, masts and rigging, she will look great.
  6. Plastic modeling sure has changed in the past fifty years.
  7. I read the title “Professional Help Needed” and saw you were also a Chief Torpedoman so I said to self “Well at least he is asking”
  8. Probably the Byrnes with the sliding table top. Best on the market. Check sponsors links.
  9. Jeff try using black wire to rig your blocks, wrap, three tight twists and in a hook. Same way Chuck describes in Medway Longboat rigging. It works really well and once you get it down it is easier, less time consuming and no block breakage.
  10. You can get those closed heart blocks (green circle)at Syren Ship Company.
  11. I attach a pencil to a dowel, dertermine the height needed and run it around the hull. Model Expo sells a waterline marker that is basically what I discribed.
  12. I always do all my standing rigging before adding yards and sails.
  13. It is going to be a beauty. Can’t wait. Is that figurehead, a work of art, going to be included in the kit?
  14. Lighting. You need excellent lighting and a vintage stereo setup.😎
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