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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. “The Trumpeter kit is an enlargement of the Revell kit and all mistakes of the original Revell kit have been carried over to the Trumpeter model. “ sounds pirated and then enlarged...Just sayin’
  2. Don’t see that drop,down box anywhere and I searched all drop downs in profiles.
  3. The bolster on the Medway Longboat is on the outboard of the Bow and this one is on the inboard. Wonder why?
  4. I use a steam cleaner and a form. The form is made by tracing the deck shape onto a piece of 3/4 ply and cutting it out. I then attach the forward end of several planks to the form using a spring clamp, hit it with steam and bend it holding it in place with additional clamps. I then steam the whole thing again. All in all the steaming process takes under a minute. You can either dry it with a hair dryer, heat gun or do what I do and just let it dry naturally. Easy peasy.
  5. I think you interior looks great. I would stain it and put some wipe on poly on it. Once you paint the exterior hull it will look just fine. I bought a small steam cleaner on Amazon for $30 that I use for steaming wood.
  6. I also use gel for the same exact reason.
  7. You can’t just bend dry wood or it will break. Some people soak in warm water and bend it on the frames or use an electric bender. I prefer steam. I make a jig forming the bend in the hull, attach the wood to the front with a clamp, hit with steam and slowly bend and clamp it to the jig. I usually do four planks at a time. Let it air dry or hit it with a hair dryer. It is a learning curve you’ll soon master it.
  8. I put the CA on my thumb and then run the line through my thumb and forefinger. I have never stuck my fingers together as of yet, just pull it off my fingers when I am finished. Messy but works well.
  9. Joe are you planning on making the lower decks visible. It is shown in the plans BUT nowhere in my written instructions is it pointed out you need to remove material in bulkheads 6, 10, 15 and the bulkhead former. There is a note in the online version under the First photo of Chapter two BUT again not pointed out in the written instructions. This is most irritating as I found the note AFTER I spent three days getting everything aligned and have started installing fillers, I put balsa between all my frames. I think if I am careful I can remove the material with my Dremel and Sonicrafter. Should have paid more attention to Bob’s build log. It was right there in front of me . Arrrrrgggggghhh.
  10. Use the .016 and see what it looks like. You should be able to get a .010 thick piece at a craft store if it does not work out.
  11. I’m thinking that as the name on the box is just “Pirate Ship” it is just a generic ship from that time period .
  12. Welcome. In addition I would add micro drill bits, a Dremel, a magnifying light and a big old box of patience There are lots of tools that come in handy as we progress in this hobby the biggest thing is enjoy yourself.
  13. Charlie a photo would help.
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