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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. I have seen oars in a rainbow of colors. Solid Black, all Natural, different blade colors, different handle colors, just the blade tip. I believe it is your call and whatever you choose will be just fine.
  2. Great looking transom Bob. I would gladly take your skills any day.
  3. I have made pens from Madrone and the real ships were made of oak. It is just something different and I know it will look great. I have a lot of Maple somI may use that for decking and the Oak for planking above the Wale.
  4. I have access to one of the finest exotic wood stores in the country. Edensaw.
  5. I like it. I am going to use white oak on my Syren.
  6. I'll be watching this build. One of the great things about this site is no bullies. Happy Modeling.
  7. Gonna steal that cathead technique. Brilliant. Where did you get the disks?
  8. Bob in a word Awesome. Beautiful work. Might have to get this one also.
  9. There are things you can do with a scroll saw you can't do with a band saw when working on thinner model sized stock. The only thing I can think of that a scroll saw can't do that a band saw can do is resawing thick slabs.
  10. Jaager you have answered my question, the Byrnes it is.
  11. Any pros and cons between the Byrnes Thickness Sander and the MicroMark? I am going to get one or the other. The difference I see is the MicroMark does a 5 inch wide board and has 120, 240 and 320 grit sanding sleeves.
  12. The heck with that. I remember when I was stationed on the USS Piedmont AD-17 and I was conducting a PMS spot check. I reached in the box and pulled out Blinking Light Maintenance. The guy laughs and hands me a safety harness and says let's go. That's when I found out this blinking light was at the end of the yardarm. I got up there wrapped that safety harness line around until it was tight and watched the maintenance. Took about an hour for them to get me down as I have this great fear of heights. You wouldn't believe how much that yard moves.
  13. Just in time for Christmas. I heard the Admiral was getting me one......she just doesn't know it yet
  14. Chuck has corronades but they are in 1/4 scale. Look in the Cheerful section.
  15. Welcome Richard. This is a great place to learn. I have been building ships for twenty years and my skills have done nothing but multiply from the skills demonstrated on this site. You will get fabulous advice from some of the best in the world and not a prima donna in the group.
  16. A good omen for this build is the lack of the infamous pink plywood. Have fun!
  17. Looks better and better every update. Great work Hennie.
  18. We have a similar business here in the PACNORWEST. I use them for woodworking projects. Great products and service. They also have a Rockler Woodworking store. Check out Edensaw Woods @ Edensaw.com.
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