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Posts posted by Vegaskip

  1. Return Cargo
    Return Convoy. Steamer with a Deck Cargo of timber from Northern Russia. With escorting Corvette. Timber for 'Pit Props', was vital for the coal mines. Coal was essential to fuel the factories and and heat the homes of Britain. The former supply from Scandinavia and the Baltic countries, was no longer available being now occupied by Germany.


  2. I work mostly from photographs. For the old ones I use old paintings or prints from books or the net for reference. I find that you can usually tell which painter has been at sea and which is painting from a description. I must admit I have been tempted to 'do' Trafalgar with a submarine surfacing, or an MTB darting out between a couple of three deckers!.


  3. I work mostly from photographs. For the old ones I use old paintings or prints from books or the net for reference. I find that you can usually tell which painter has been at sea and which is painting from a description. I must admit I have been tempted to 'do' Trafalgar with a submarine surfacing, or an MTB darting out between a couple of three deckers!.


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