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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi Patrick, I've been admiring your log. The Niagra will be my next build after I finish my CW Morgan. I just toured the Museum in Erie, Pa. which made my decision for me. I'll be following your build so I can learn the ropes of building this one. Thanks for the pictures.
  2. this is a beautiful ship. Veery well done. Difficult and ornate and just a wonderul eyecandy!
  3. Thanks Rich and Larry. I hope these help eveeryone. After viewing the models in the museum, I have come to the conclusion that the MSW builders are far superior in building skills than the museum builders or donors. The models on MSW could go with great pride to any Maritime Museum hands down. Great job to everyone who participates...
  4. Hi Popeye, We have had every bit of 3 inches last night and today, and it is still raining. We've been just fine, nice dry RV trailer and a good awning. I was outside cooking bacon this morning watching the people in pop-ups, trying to figurre out how to fold one up in pouring rain.....cold, wet rain.....they were miserable and soaked. It unfortunately was amusing to watch and not have to be doing it. I really felt for them, but couldn't help but laugh (with them not at them) at the unimaginable misery they were going through. They will have stories to laugh at forever with their kids. Just thankful that we didn't have to leave today. Western Maine is flooding.
  5. Hi Grant, why not turn it into a travel log???? When we can't be building, at least we can be traveling as our excuse....lol. Enjoy your trip, it sounds great. I love Hong Kong, sorry you didn't get to spend some time there.
  6. Update for today. Went to Woolwich, Maine along the coast to a place called A Taste of Maine. Had fried shrimp and Haddock for dinner. First time this week without lobster. For you Sjors, some rustic pictures of this area of Maine. Like bogs, and of course it's been raining all night and day here. Glad I didn't have to pack up and move locations today....we saw many cold, wet campers having to pack and move this morning im some very hard rains.
  7. You're quite welcome Larry. Glad to hear your getting better, keep up the progress. If you decide to go to the museum, be sure to try and coordinate your time with when the ship will be in Erie. It sails quite regularly and the will post a schedule. You can go to the Niagra website to keep up with her. Hope these pictures will help in your build.
  8. I found another one that might be of interest also. As I am looking at these closer the large model is a group project that is 1/2" to the foot. I like the wood base....it is actually parts from the original ship Niagra that they used to make the base for the model. I'm going to start looking for drift wood or something to try the same thing on mine.
  9. probably last set for now. It looks like I might have had a distant relative on board for the actual battle. I'm going to have to do some research on him.
  10. Here is a couple of the life size mast with sails in the museum. I think this is from the top gallant up
  11. I think the scale on this model is either 5/16 or 3/8 to the foot...can't remember..
  12. This is a model that is in the museum. Has some interesting deck details.
  13. These will be in series of 3 pictures since that is all I can send at a time.
  14. Hi Larry, I'm going to try to post some more pictures for you and your followers.
  15. After seeing these and your info on building the sanding drums, I may have to reconsider my blocks for the Morgan. these look superior. Great job Grant, hope you are enjoying your tour also.
  16. Wow, impressive size and really looks good. I love R/C things, and this is superb.
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