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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Sjors, in her current condition she'd never make it to Rotterdam. She would wind up in Davy Jones' Locker. But I'll instruct the museum curator of your request....perhaps he'll comply.....
  2. Hi Lawrence, my Admiral and i were discussing the same thing as we looked at her. Imagine life must have been really tough those days and times. Glad you are enjoying the pictures along with others. We are enjoying our tour. Tomorrow we're off to Gettysburg, Pa. and then to Virgina Beach. I haven't been to Norfolk since I got out of the Navy in 1972.
  3. Hi Dave, the Mayflower needs to be refurbished but is currently in the water. They are trying to raise $2,000,000 to begin work on her. She needs it, quite a bit of disrepair and flaked paint broken wood. I didn't go abord since it was after 5:00 and they were closed.
  4. Hi Augie, yes re-launched July 21, after a 5 year, $7,000,000 hull restoration. they are starting to work on the Deck furniture and building the masts. She'll sail in April 2014, and wind up moored with the Constitution in the Charleston Navy Yard by July 4.
  5. and you say that I build fast.....you're catching up quickly .... looks good Augie..I toured the Morgan today, and had a ball. I'll be posting pictures soon as I get some time. It is really cool to walk on board something you're building a miniature of.....kind of a wierd feeling....told them I was building a scale model of her, and got a lot of "Royal" treatment. Got to go in their Research and Collections building, see the models, and meet some intersting people including the Head Project Manager. Even a couple of things that unfortunately I am sworn to secrecy about, so I can't share with anyone, but it is awesome. An absolutely incredible day.
  6. I forgot to mention that I have some pictures of the Mayflower II, in Plymouth if anyone should need some. Here's a teaser, and if more are needed let me know.
  7. Well, I am currently in Clinton, Ct., and tomorrow will visit the Morgan in Mystic. Update pictures will follow for the venture getting here, then I will post as many pictures of the real thing, the museum, and the models that I can take for reference for anyone interested in this ship. I'm going to miss my friend Lester, who is an interpreter for the ship, as he is still a working stiff...lol., but seriously, he can't make it because he does have to work. so I'm on my own, unlike the Constitution where I had Henry. More to follow.....
  8. Verne, no mangers or any thing that looked like it could hold livestock, however, they did say that they were on board. It appeared that they really might have held some of the goats from the yards in these slings. I don't know for how long, but this is an actual display in the museum.....beats me, and I forgot to take a picture of the description. Duh!
  9. Wow, your's survived better than mine. Very nice, and how cool to be working on something for this long.....I can appreciate it as I jsut finished the Constitution after 44 years.
  10. Yeah buck, definite inspiration for sure. I can start working on the basic structure of 7 of these beasts and probably not be where you are yet whenever you get the chance to work on them.....lol. Work....bummer.....tried to give that up a while back....sorry....retired....from work! But it's necessary sometime to support these crazy things we call hobbies!
  11. Nice build, quite different from some I've been watching but very nice.
  12. Wow, this should really get intersting when you get started on the shaping. This is quite an endeavor. Let the carving begin. Very nice so far, and I look forward to seeing the progress.
  13. Thanks Larry, just had a "duh" moment....happens when you get old!
  14. Hi David, this is looking good for a first build. A late welcoome to this forum and all the help it will provide. I too am into my first wood build and if it wasn't for the gang here I probably wouldn't have even attempted it, much less be as far as I am into my build now. It's a great group, enjoy.....
  15. OK, I'm going to be the one that bites here.....being new to this, what is a WOP? Sorry to be the naieve one, but you guys have been doing this longer than me, and I can't say I've seen or heard of this one yet. By the way, the Minwax acrylic stain/varnish is what I used on the deck of my Morgan, and was really pleased with it, and judging from the peanut gallery, most everyone else did too.
  16. Looking very nice. Love seeing this come together....I was just aboard her a couple of days ago.
  17. very nice build, I am sorry to hear about the thieves....terrible lot and they should be keel hauled....that would cure their thievery....
  18. Extremely nice to follow, especially after having been on the real ship a couple of days ago. Looking good Bob, keep it up.
  19. that is so true as to how they obtain their own life....with or without you...they keep on going..Kind of like the Duracell Bunny
  20. Hi Henry, ok, thanks for the info. hope you got my posts on your log. Thanks again, my friend, for my opportunity of a lifetime, and sharing your time with us.
  21. You'll love this one, it came from the Constitution Museum a couple of days ago....this is a goat hanging from the yardarm, with a hoist for pulling it on to the deck.....there were also pigs, chickens, and other critters for food, milk, eggs, etc.....forgot to take the picture of the discription.
  22. this is really remarkable. I love seeing these ships sailing, and your mates really have some nice ones too. How fun.
  23. There was a presentation movie going on where the really big model is.....it is about 10-12 feet long and about 7 or 8 feet tall. Unfortunately most of the backstays have broken on it and some other rigging lines and they have not repaired it. I couldn't take pictures because of the movie.
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