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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Yeah, I enjoyed my time there. I lived in Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, on the Pacific side near Nicaragua. Great people, but they believe all Americans have a money press, and the thievery was pretty rampant. I had a bar and restaurant there for a while. Great place to visit, but not to be in business. The cost of living is very high. I could buy Imperial Beer (the National Beer) in Houston, cheaper than I could buy it wholesale in CR.
  2. Very nice, I hadn't thought of something like this method. I'll have to make a mental note to look back when I get into these areas. Thanks for the pictures.
  3. Wow Rich, glad everything is ok. Amazing how crazy things have gotten....and people wonder why I always carry heat....never know these days.
  4. By the way, if you click on the pictures in the blog, they will supersize and you can really see the detail.
  5. Yes, it is a mini Camel. All Brittania Metal and wood. No plastic. rigging - the whole 9 yards. If you want to get your juices flowing on this check this website: http://www.ipmsgreatplains.org/Camel.aspx I lost all of my pictures of my build last year when I was living in Costa Rica....someone stole my computer and all that was on it, including my external hard drive with the backup. This blog is pretty good, and gives you some good ideas about the plane....you should do it...enjoy
  6. Hello Sjors, sorry for the lack of pictures lately, but internet access has been a challenge. I'm still in that situation, so pictures will be delayed. Work....sorry....
  7. Hi Jason, Yes it is a bizarre set up. I had seen a very bad photo of that before visiting the ship. I had also been studying the plans before my trip, and it did not show very well in the plans, so this wasw an area I have not done yet on my build, holding off until I could see it in person. Of course, this wasn't restored yet, but I found this drawing taped to the bulkhead next to the tiller and photographed it. This is also true of the windlass area, and I found the area on one of the models on display that showed this very well and I now have good pictures of this area too.
  8. the build is coming along nicely. Glad you liked the Camel. It is a fun kit to build. Took me about 6 months off and on to finish it. I love the old bi-planes and this is one of my favorites. The details are nicely done by Model Airways.
  9. Awesome pictures....nice...
  10. Well, I am currently in Virgina Beach, Va. First time I have been here in 41 years (since I was separated from the Navy in 72). We're staying directly across from Oceana NAS, and the F-18's have been flying over us all day....brings back many memories, since I was stationed here with the JFK at NOB, Norfolk. We used to camp out here in tents when we had free time from the ship. Now my Admiral understands why I'm as deaf as I am.....loud fighter jets with no ear protection...she gets the picture...lol. Pictures following soon. Have to pay for internet by the day here, so pictures might come later on.
  11. Starting to look like a ship......very nice indeed.
  12. Looks outstanding as usual Sjors, very nice.
  13. Well, I was just going to observe and keep my mouth shut, but this too outstanding not ot deserve a comment. really fine. You could start a side business selling figureheads. Very impressive, thanks for posting pictures.
  14. today was a most intersting day......pulling an RV through New York City and surviving.....my GPS said this was the fastest route to get to Gettysburg, and actually it was right. We had a 7 hour drive today and drove just to the west of the city. good views of the skyline, just glad I didn't miss a turn and wind up in a slum in the Bronx trying to turn around an RV....lol.......been a while since I was in New York. I was there in 1976 to take the New York Stock Exchange exam, and do some actual trading on the floor of the NYSE.
  15. Hi Augie, aren't those drawings outstanding. Can't believe I snuck a couple of pictures. I have some more I'll try to post later.
  16. this drawing was actually taped to the bulkhead next to the wheel and tiller to show the person restoring it how it is supposed to look.
  17. You're welcome Augie. There will be more to follow, and I will be posting a separate set of pictures of my journey in the Museums and other ships section of the forum soon. Too time consuming right now, but that way other people can view them than just the ones following my log. Just time for a couple of more, then I have to hook up and head to Gettysburg, Pa. today. these were in the Collections and Research building, which is a fascinating place all by itself.
  18. this is a 1/2" - 1'0" scale model.....in the Collections & Research building. All of the others are in a vault with large steel sliding doors and just stacked up in rows and available only for research and not open to the general public without an appointment and an escort.
  19. All I have time for this morning is a couple of pictures of the ship and Mystic....
  20. Wow, pictures from across the pond! I'm impressed. Thanks Sjors looks great as usual....
  21. I just read the news that today in Mystic, Ct is the beginning of the Connecticut Schooner Festival, and a lot of the tall ships will be here for the weekend. Looks like I just made it to the Morgan before the crowds showed up.
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