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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi guys, just wondering if there is a free way to do this. Adobe Pro XI best price I find is $120.00.
  2. Very nice. thanks for all the pictures. It gives me ideas concerning carronades on my next build the Niagra.
  3. Very nice build. I really enjoy following these logs and learning so many techniques to do things...
  4. very nice, the Bounty is a fascinating ship, and I look forward to following your build.
  5. very nice work on the deadeyes and chains. Very repetitive, but worth it in the long run.
  6. I agree on the minimal engineering, I guess I just find it interesting that MS has included the laser cut pieces on a ship without rigging. I can certainly understand for a fully rigged ship. Seems like the additional reinforcements are usually left up to us to provide. I like Chuck's explanation in that we certainly wouldn't want a banana shaped hull.
  7. Colors.....a memorable experience for an old sailor to participate and witness aboard this mighty vessel as so many noble sailors and patriots have done in the past.....
  8. Hi Dave, Plymouth was beautiful yesterday. The Mayflower is still in port. They haven't started any work on her. they are trying to raise $2,000,000 to do repairs. It is beginning to show a lot of wear and in dire need of paint. I hate to see it in this condition. Makes you wonder what they are doing with the $15.00 ticket fees. I'll post a couple of pictures later. GPS got me right to where I needed to be.
  9. Thanks Kim, I'll try to post more tomorrow or soon after. I took quite a few.
  10. Henry, thank you my friend, for the chance of a lifetime, to have that great ship to ourselves, and for your gracious hospitality. Meeting you was like seeing an old friend that I had known forever, and to be able to do this was an event that could never even fathom that I could do. Diane and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you again for your time and the wonderful tour. John & Diane
  11. Grant, isn't that the truth. What an awesome site. I just almost did the same thing with Henry (popeye2sea) on the USS Constitution in Boston. Here I am from Texas meeting a guy from Boston and having the entire ship (a National Monument)to ourselves after hours and no one on board except us and the watch. What an event of a lifetime. And Henry was just like an old friend I'd known forever. Bringing people together with common interests from all walks of life and creating lasting friendships. How cool is that! All because of this forum and the wonderful people that are part of it! Next time maybe we can drag in Augie, and all the rest of the "Moose Crew" together and have a conventiion!!!! I am happy to hear you are enjoying your ventures also. Have fun. John
  12. I'll have to post some others a little later as I'm off to Plymouth.
  13. Dave, Here are some pictures of the Camboose Stack, ship bell, ship's wheel and some deck pictures.
  14. That's an interesting amount of inboard fillers. I can see the need if fully rigged, but it seems a little like overkill for an Admiralty model, but I do like the concept. Looking good Augie, kinda like a ship.....
  15. Oh, and I got pictures inside the museum. At one point someone asked me to turn off my flash (they said it made it easieer on the art), but I already had the photos I wanted, other than that I had no problems, with the exception of the gift shop. They had a model built on the Blue Jacket kit, and they told me the builder did not want any photo's taken of his model.....how wierd....you would think he would be proud that someone even wanted to take a picture of it. Some incredible models, but the big one was in bad disrepair that no one has bothered to fix, which I don't understand.
  16. Hi Dave, well the tour was everything you said it would be. Henry was most gracious and it was really incredible to have this national monument completely to ourselves with no one aboard but the watch and totally at our discretion with a personal guided tour. We got to see things the public does not. The OD is a friend of Henry's, so when it came time for colors, he alerted us, and allowed us to go out to the adjacent pier deck to photograph the cannon being fired at dusk. Really cool, and to be able to participate in the ceremony on deck of this ship was a lifetime event. Actually the whole experience was a lifetime event. Nothing was covered so i have some pictures of the areas you asked for, as well as many more. I'll post these as soon as I have a free minute, probably sometime today.
  17. Sorry to hear that you're still suffering from this. It gets hard to shake off. Yes, the Queen would be interesting. I, of course are in the same time length also on the carronades that you are, only even further out. I haven't finished the Morgan yet, and wouldn't be starting the Niagra until that is finished. Just planning ahead, and would start accumulating options as they are available so that I would be prepared once I begin. Chuck seems to just be in the planning stages at this point, and with his time constraints, this could be a while coming. I guess, this could be an excuse for a Sherline lathe and mill.....lol. Unfortunately, I used to have both, but lost them in a divorce. Check out Chuck's build log on the Winchelsea, he sent me a drawing of his proposed carronade, it is 15/16" long. I don't have a Niagra carronade handy to compare it to. He designed it for the Syrene, but I think it is the same scale. Get well Dude! No time for being down and sick.
  18. Hi Larry, I hope Chuck does make some carronades that can go with the Niagra. I for one would definitely buy them for mine when I get started, as well as the carriages.
  19. Thanks for the warning EG, I didn't realize that. So far in the museums I haven't had a problem, but I'll be aware of potential problems here.
  20. Wow, those are really nice Augie.....that should be an outstanding improvement to details......
  21. Hi Dave, I'll see what I can do. It rained here yesterday, but is supposed to be nice all day today. The temp was 45 F last night.....brrrrr for us Texans. I'll be taking a lot of pictures of the ship and inside the museum as well.
  22. Hi Dave, I just got in touch with Henry this morning as I was driving to Boston. He just returned from Italy, and I am meeting him tomorrow evening for a private after hours tour. Can't wait. What an excellent opportunity. Did you need any specific pictures? Let me know before about 11:00 AM tomorrow, and I'll try to get them for you. Same goes for anyone else following this forum.
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