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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. I have made some progress, and corrected some of my decking errors by attempting to cut in butts with my exacto and pencil. Seems to be working well, and as mentioned before, many of the "problems" will be covered by deck structures. Here's some before and after pictures of some of the progress. More will continue as I move along. With the help of Sjors and Grant, I became aware of the importance of the butts, however, most of it was too late to correct otherwise since it was already installed. I advise any future builders to be sure and take this into consideration, and to download the tutorial on this site for reference. The instructions in the kit make light of this, and even suggest you can use full length strips to deck with. At no point do they suggest plank length as well. So be alert when you get to this stage of construction.
  2. Wow Sherry, I love your attention to detail. Really looks good, and the lights really look like lanterns and highlight the interior nicely. Thanks for the pictures. John
  3. Wow, looking great Augie, and I like the wolf also. What a keen looking animal.
  4. Hi Kim, welcome aboard, I'm glad you located my build. Yeah, cost was one of the factors in my not obtaining a case for the Conny. If it's not too much trouble I would appreciate a plan, as that is an option. I hate for it to get any dustier than it is. I am currently building the C.W. Morgan, my first attempt at wood. I haven't figured out how to post the direct link yet, mainly because I'd rather be building than typing. My personal email is texxn5@aol.com. Thanks for the offer. John
  5. Dave, when you get a chance would you email me your email address please. I have a couple of questions for you on another matter, and don't want to take up site space here. Thanks, John texxn5@aol.com
  6. That looks very nice Evan, I like what you're doing. I painted mine gold like the directions showed, and also because I like the way the gold looks on her, yet I know that even now they are white. How are you going to paint them? John
  7. Hi Henry, I just found your build log, and will be following along too. Than you for your generous offer, and I look forward to meeting you when I get to Boston. Please email me with your email address and phone number, so I can contact you when I know my schedule. My RV should be in this week, and we will probably start heading north at the end of next week hopefully. I'll give you plenty of warning and lead time. My email is: texxn5@aol.com, Thanks, John Fleming
  8. yes, this forum is where I first heard of it also, only I was a couple of years too far gone....next time I guess. I have not heard any more from Henry, he invited me to contact him when I know when I might be there. Wouldn't that be something to get to actually be on board for a sail?? I'm surprised the media didn't show that event, they have in the past. I'm also surprised that it didn't get sequetered! John
  9. I'm glad to see that you are going to replace the belaying pins. That is the one thing I wish I had thought of a few years ago when I was at a stage I could have replaced them. That is a real weak link in rigging this ship. Just about the time you think you have the right tension on them, they break and the whole process gets to figure out how to start again. For me the cure was CA under the rail only it gets bad on fingers....
  10. Looking very good Sjors. I like the brass cannon. Thanks for all your help, and keep up the good work....and pictures. John
  11. Looks wonderful Augie. Thanks for the pictures. What are you doing for an encore???? John
  12. Thanks Wayne, yes so far I like the kit and would highly reccomend it. Sounds like you have a backlog of projects, good for you. John
  13. Thank you Sjors, your English is just fine. I understood what you are saying, and greatly appreciate any and all input. Since I am new to this I know I'm going to make mistakes and where I do make them, I hope to be able to correct them. Thank you for pointing this out and hopefully the end product will turn out well. John
  14. Hi Grant, thank you for the observations. I am already past some of what you mention here. I'm trying to make sure that the visible parts of the deck have the correct appearance or at least close. On the aft end of this ship almost a third of the deck is covered with the Hurricane House, a head and storage building, and a boat bearer roof which has a couple of whaleboats lashed on top, and under it's roof are many items such as harpoons, that go on the various boats. The deck is covered and almost unseen. In the center of the ship are the tryworks, and other deck junk that clutters it also. The bow has a very large windlace, and an anchor deck which covers much of the bow, so overall there aren't a lot of areas that leave the deck exposed to the point that the planking would look wierd. This is not an excuse, it's just that I think I can make it look good to the eye. With all of this going on, it was difficult to decide how to lay the deck out. Anyways, I appreciate the observations and assistance. Areas that will show, I am trying to even out so that they follow a pattern.
  15. Hi Sjors, thank you for the input. The planking, is actually 1/16" x 1/8" lumber that the instructions said for me to use. The hull planking is 3/64" x 1/16. There were no provisions for decking priour to lying the planks dirctly to the bulkhead framework. As far as a pattern, it was difficult to establish a pattern with the deck furniture that needs to be decked around. I attempted to establish one as I progressed, and will be able to cut and mark the timbers as necessary as I attempt to "finish" the deck. Hopefully this will look acceptable. I'll submit some pictures in a little while. Thanks again for all your input.
  16. Thanks Scott, welcome aboard. That is precisely why I am trying to document this project along the way. I could certainly use some construction photos along the way instead of having to figure this out by the plans alone. The book gets vague in this area of construction, and referring to plans, I usually have to look at 2-3 sheets of plans to figure out 1 piece, and then I'm not sure I'm right. So hopefully when you or anyone else starts one at least maybe they can learn from my mistakes. By the way, there have been several kits listed on eBay lately for decent prices. John
  17. I'm trying to get to a certain stage before I hit the road. That way I can work on deck furniture. I've been informed that my RV should be in at the end of the week, so I'm running out of time.
  18. Started planking the deck, might get finished today, but here's a couple of progresss pictures for you know who...
  19. Yes Bob, I'm trying to decide the best way to go. Thanks for the input. John
  20. Thanks again Popeye for the information. As soon as I get a minute I'll look these up. I'm surprised they don't include this in the kits too. They have far more resources than we do and it wuld be cost effective. John
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