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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. And, I installed the forecastle. I couldn’t help it. I had to install it and then I had to add the fittings since I had already made them, lol. Side on view:
  2. I made the steam launch today: Then I made the large cutter. Then, I had to do some repair work. Solferino rolled out of her cradle. She is now glued to her base. Here is Solferino with the second ship’s boat after getting partial new railings on the observation deck and the blockhouse: I have 9 ship’s boats left. The regular ones are a lot easier than the steam launch. Then it will be on to the hull fittings and the rest of the deck fittings.
  3. Thank you very much! Step 4, the main deck fitting section, is now complete! The most recently added fittings still need edge painted and sealed. But, round two of the ladders turned out much better! And, now on to the ship’s boats! The Solferino, at the time of the Paris Museum model’s depiction, carried 11 of them! I’m starting with the steam launch, because it is the most complicated and it is the first in the sequence. Plus, I can just drop it in its cradle when it is done.
  4. Thank you very much! The stands for the binnacles are made and installed: They still need edge painted and sealed. The binnacles are rolled and just awaiting their tops.
  5. I’ve had a good model building day. The observation deck is mostly done. It only needs some edge painting and sealing. The railing around the top of the blockhouse is done and just needs sealed. The ladders are under way: I made a jig a la Zu Monfeld and it has worked so much better. Also the railings are under way for the ladders. Here is where Solferino is at now:
  6. 32 pins in place: Cutting railing pins (12) for the top of that blockhouse while I’m at it.
  7. Quick word of advice, if you should decide to buy one of these models, I would recommend getting the photoetch sets for things like railings. I typically scratch build my own, from sewing pins, however after seeing the railings on some of the other modernish ships on the forum, I have to admit that the photoetch ones look the best. If this wasn’t primarily a study model that already has a thousand other major flaws, I would have gotten a 1/200 photoetch set for this kit.
  8. Here’s the platform: I’m installing the railings right now. One of the legs is crooked, but it would cause a lot of damage to move it (I already tried), so I’m leaving it as is.
  9. The observation platform is on and the posts for the railings are cut. I just don’t have pictures yet.
  10. Welcome!
  11. I’ve built the Dumas PT Boat. It is very nice. I enjoyed it very much.
  12. I’ve done rebuilds and salvaged old wood (and other media) models before. If you cannot dissolve the glue, cut through it with a pen knife (like an X-Acto knife), or a scalpel. Work very slowly and carefully to free the piece. Make very shallow, very short cuts. It will take a while, but it is doable.
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