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Everything posted by VTHokiEE

  1. It should debond with isopropyl alcohol (I’ll pretend that I don’t have any experience doing that on my model 😁). Looks nice so far! If I may offer one small suggestion - it is a learning experience making a mistake and then working out how to correct it. I’m not trying to push you to realign everything, but you may want to take a shot at correcting a thing or two on a build like this (or maybe your next one) so that it doesn’t seem so devastating to do it later on a build that may be more “important.” Just a thought though, take it with a grain of sand.
  2. I’ve been hoping for a build log of this kit since I saw the review; I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the diorama!
  3. There are several subforums related to general modeling questions. You should post it in the appropriate one: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/12-shop-notes-ship-modeling-tips-techniques-and-research/
  4. I found those soft sanders to be nice for sanding the hull, but I would agree that you need a block as well for other situations.
  5. Thanks! It’s good to know that it’s a little up to be, unfortunately now indecision has set in. I have also run across a black trucked carriage to add to the mix. Of course any of the three should look great so not a bad quandary to have. I appreciate the details!
  6. I've finally gotten around to my cannons. In trying to increase my knowledge; how did you know to paint the wheels red? I originally was thinking of leaving them natural, but I assume red is more historically accurate based on your build so now I'm contemplating painting them red. Thanks!
  7. Maybe post your method in the appropriate subforum and then uncheck the notify me of replies 😉. I personally would like to learn how you do it so i could potentially imitate it in the future, but I also understand the hesitancy. Looking forward to seeing the final planking!
  8. Wow, getting these deck furnishings done took a little bit longer than I expected (but to be fair I did take a week vacation in there). The pictures mainly speak for themselves. I used Vanguard's laser cut grating set which I really liked the look of. I did have to drill out the PE handle holes a little bit in the Topsail Bitt (I think that is what it is called according to my AotS Alert book). I also got a little sneaky and used the position of this grating to cover the holes that were a part of my etched deck (but aren't cut out in the current revision). This did require me to file out the opening some so that I didn't see the overhang through the grating. I did purchase some buckets and barrels in case I needed them for this task so we'll see if I end up adding some more decoration to the deck if that makes sense. I was pretty proud of myself for painting the hinges of the skylight black, but I kind of wish I had the skill to have replaced the PE part with a wooden one (in the future perhaps). Finally here is where we stand tonight: Now onward to the guns. I have a lot of filing and sanding to flatten the laser kerf and remove the char from the carriage pieces. This may take a while but I plan on following the work done by BE and DelF (I cannot express how glad I am that they posted these detailed steps to follow, it is such a help to a beginner). Wish me luck (more so that the fly thread I ordered from the UK that DelF mentioned arrives before I need it)!
  9. It looks really, really nice! I’m a complete novice with table saws (I don’t own one yet) but does the micrometer stop help with the thickness consistency? I suppose I should first ask, do you have the Byrnes micrometer stop and is this what it is used for? Ha when it comes to modeling I’m not certain there is such a thing. Heck, even non-ship modeling stuff needs to be heard by the right person 🙂.
  10. That’s incredibly impressive! That would be awesome! You can count me in for one 😉. I still roam eBay.it occasionally for the Roman Quinquireme from Hachette that you designed but no such luck.
  11. For no reason other than my own curiosity (and it maybe has been asked earlier in the thread and I apologize if so), about how long does it take to design a smaller vessel like your Fifie and Zulu? I have my fingers crossed that someday you’ll surprise us with an ancient vessel (there’s definitely demand in my household at least 😂).
  12. This topic has some good info on files: I'm trying to recall where I bought mine... Edit: I bought a handful of Grobet files from Contenti
  13. I'm not certain if this is the issue, but your garboard comes up a little high on the bow. It should be straight but yours curves up the bow a bit. You may wane to redo this if you're considering it. You might be able to see what I mean if you look at my garboard here:
  14. You sent me off on a hunt hopefully I can find some Black and Brown varieties in the states. The fun of determining if a random fly fishing website will actually deliver on the sale 😀
  15. This is awesome and really timely for me as I'm quickly approaching my guns. Thank you for all the details!
  16. Wow... that looks really nice. Here I was planning on trying to hold out for your bigger offering and now you go and drop something like this!
  17. Have you tried using a small travel iron? That’s what I used and did not experience any charring. Everything is looking good so far! Soon you’ll be caught up to me 🙂
  18. I was thinking about this and you might have been able to simply cut the keys of and installed them separately or potentially left them off completely if needed. I only mention this in the event that someone later reads this and maybe an idea pops into there head. Good save! I think my stern angle may not quite match the plans but few will know aside from me in the end.
  19. Curious how if this one is still coming along (as well as your Taurus)?
  20. Looking quite good! I'm impressed that your stern post tops are all attached (mine were not quite so lucky 😁).
  21. Technically Chris said after 12, not at 12😁 (I’ll see my myself out for that one). I’ve never used boxwood (have a small bit of it though in planks and sheets), but I really like the look of pear with WOP. You can take a look at my Alert log to see how it cleans up. I would love to find a source for some pear sheets, Rusty’s Winnie’s log is amazing.
  22. Oh okay, looked close to me. I did a search and found a few threads and this one seemed potentially the most relevant:
  23. Is this similar to loom a line type tool? That is listed in the tools not to bother with pdf (http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/materials_and_tools/ToolsNotToBotherWith.pdf)? Yopu can navigate there from the Articles Database at the top, then Materials and Tools.
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