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Matt D

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Posts posted by Matt D

  1. I made some progress this weekend.  I completed the Q gallery columns on the starboard side.  The port side has been done for a while, but it looks like I haven’t put any pictures of it in my log.  I’m getting ready to add the friezes and moldings.  The moldings are a struggle.  I tried to make a shaper for the middle molding and thought I had a good profile.  But what came out looks completely different.  It might work for the bottom, but not the middle.  My picture doesn’t really do it justice.






  2. 15 hours ago, Ron Burns said:

    Right now I'm wishing I had bought Chuck's bulkhead set (hint hint Tom :)).

    Ron, I’ve felt the same way for quite a while.  But yours is in a lot better shape than mine.  I think you’ll be able to compensate for any bulkhead related consequences very easily.  One thing that keeps me optimistic about my own is the myriad of places where Chuck’s instructions point out that there will be variations from model to model and he has made allowances for you to adjust parts to mate up to your model.  

  3. Hi Tom.  From personal experience, save the baltic birch for something else, where fairing will not be required.  It's a little like trying to sand granite or case hardened steel.  If you read my log, you'll see that my first attempt was with baltic birch.  That set is now hung up in my shop as a decoration because my printer defaulted to "fit to page" instead of "full size" and I had a 0.95 scaling factor on the prints.  That's a different problem, but I could already see that fairing that set was going to be impossible.  My second and current attempt is with the cheapo "birch plywood" from Home Depot.  It's much softer than Baltic Birch.  However, I've said several times in my log that cutting my own has been the source of most of my build problems.  If I had it to do over, I'd shell out the dough and buy Chuck's laser cut set.  If you're really good on the saw, have plenty of time to put into make sure everything is right, and double-check your final contours on each bulkhead, then that might be a good solution for you.  But if you can spend the money easier than spending the time, then buy the laser cut set from Chuck.  Just my 2 cents.

  4. 23 hours ago, Vladimir_Wairoa said:




    I see what Christian is saying.  In this photo from Post #66, the stem does look a little too thick.  It needs to be tapered as Chuck describes in Chapter 1.  It's clearly not too late to take care of that and you have to be careful to not overdo it.  If you have the figurehead, you'll see that she won't fit as you have it now.

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