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Matt D

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Posts posted by Matt D

  1. I’ve spent the past few weeks working slowly on the stern.  I have several errors, but on the whole, I’m pretty happy with it.  I don’t know how you guys make these columns look so perfect.  Maybe I need to build a few more of these before I can get it.  I know one issue is that  my spacing is a little off, making the columns shorter than planned.  I think that is also why the bottom molding on the counter is a little high, creating a gap that I had to cover with a second molding.  I also broke Poseidon’s trident.  I have an idea from Chuck on how to fix it using coarse wire, but I’m not ready to work on that yet.


  2. It looks great, Peter!  Your 3D printed dead-eye spacers did an excellent job helping you get those shrouds up with perfect spacing.  

    That’s funny - I put off rat lines too.  But I did it by leaving a perfectly good kit on the shelf and building an admiralty style model instead.  They look tedious for sure.  I’m sure you’ve read dozens of build logs to find a good method, and I’m looking forward to seeing your winning approach to them.

  3. Thanks, HJ.  There are several really nice build logs of this kit.  Be sure to read through them to pick up some tips and hopefully avoid some problems.  I recommend starting a build log and keeping it updated so you can get some constructive feedback.  The Virginia 1819 crew on MSW is a fantastic group.  I didn’t know AL switched to electronic copies of the instructions.  If you can get that poster printed full size, I would recommend doing so.  I used it a lot to figure out how to build it.  It was indispensable for the rigging.  I’m sure you’re a long way from this, but don’t make the mistake I made on the railing posts.  I tried to use a spacer to space them evenly and ended up getting bitten by stacked tolerance error.  Measure from one point instead and make sure you’re happy with the location of the step.

  4. On 12/13/2020 at 1:32 PM, Vladimir_Wairoa said:

    Well I cooled down a bit i remember there is stuff with enlargening of  plans in softwares etc... I measured quarter inch on  not sure it might be calibration staff or what, but 1/4" looks 0.68 in 100 % not 0.63 as should so im a bit relieved i can have it ok. . Stem length as on picture is 14.4 cm = 5.7 inch. So if that measure is correct is all good.:)  If should be longer than i know i  am off...

    :) so far hope lasts




    Vlad, try measuring across all ten 1/4” marks instead of just one.  It will reduce your measurement error by a factor of ten.

  5. On 11/27/2020 at 12:01 AM, Old Collingwood said:

    if they make it - we will build it

    This seems like if should be a motto or maybe even a way of life.  I feel enriched, OC.


    Chris, I’m sorry this one didn’t work out like you hoped.  I’m looking forward to your next one.

  6. On 11/28/2020 at 2:35 PM, Justin P. said:

    Do I step back far enough to fix this or plunge on hoping this one (really out of scale detail) doesn't ruin the look of the whole...

    That's a tough call.  On the Winchelsea, Chuck put a lot of emphasis on fairing the inner side of the bulkheads to ensure that the bulwarks are to scale.  If that's what you'd need to do here, then that's a lot of rework.  If it were me given the large number of Syren build logs, I'd look through a ton of them and see what they look like before the inner planking, at this point, and completed.  That might give you insight into what you'll end up with if you keep going versus what you'd end up with if you back up.  I know from experience that backing up stinks, but it has worked out for me in the end each time it happened.

  7. I’m at a really neat spot in this build.  There are about half a dozen things I can work on right now.  I have the Old Masters Gel Stain for the resin figures. I’m also starting the roof shingles.  The upright details on the Q galleries are a lot more challenging than I expected, so they’re going to take a lot of time and patience.  The starboard side gallery is waiting for a replacement part for the lower apron.  But I think it’s safe to put the commode in now, so I might do that soon.  I’m also working on scraping moldings.  It’s fun to have choices on what to do next.  Planking was a very serial process.






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