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Everything posted by src

  1. Chuck, This is great thank you. However I cant seem to figure out how to delete a custom stream. I have created one but it doesnt do what I expected so now I want to delete and start over. What am I missing? Sam
  2. You have a new project manager? Shes a redhead?? I am married (more or less) to a red head, be careful, they are... volatile. Sam
  3. Very, very impressive Carl. I cant wait to see her with some paint. But..... Your mast is on upside down!! I will go back to my corner now.............. Sam
  4. Well done Rich. great to see you getting some build time in again. Sam
  5. Dennis, that pump looks great. What drives it? I see the wheels on each end but no handle to crank on, I cant imagine it was simply turned it like the steering wheel of a car was it? That seems inefficient, what am I missing? Sam
  6. Sean, Impressive work as always. As far as measure twice cut once, now I know why it's taking me so long on my build, I was using the Cut it thrice and it's still to short method.
  7. Thanks Greg, I wondered if those were range finders. I am confused about the trusses still. I hope you dont mind, I edited your photo and highlighted the parts I was referring to. Sam
  8. Greg, that is some impressive detailing there. Watching you layer paint brings the same awe to me as watching our scenic artists give a hunk of gel coat and fiberglass life. Two questions, there are some very tiny trusses or ladders at the base of the barrels and two "wings" on the rear of the turrets, what are they? Sam
  9. LOL!!! Sorry Carl! I turned 53 this month, that is my excuse. What camera are you using? The newer DSRL have really come a long way in quality and affordability. I have 3 5dMkii from Canon that I use for stage photography. Properly exposed at ISO 1600 they are way cleaner than any ASA 400 film I ever used. Sam
  10. Brian, looking good. I dont know how you and Greg do it, my head would have exploded already. Try a piece of white poster board with your subject between it and the window, you will be surprised how much light will get reflected back into the shadows. Something I need to do more often myself of when I take pictures in my work room. Sam
  11. J. coming along. Dont worry too much about how long it takes, just enjoy the ride. As far as the black and white floor, that should lighten things up a bit. You might be able to lighten it up more by using a dark gray instead of black. My guess is it would still look black since it's in shadow but wont absorb as much light as full black. Will it make a visible difference?? Dont really know, the only way would be to experiment. Just my two and a half cents of mindless brain activity there.... Sam
  12. Greg, That picture from post 400, did I read that correctly? Is that salvaged armor form the wreck? I am no ballistics expert that looks more like a shell hit rather then torpedo or bomb. Was there a plaque describing where on the ship the plate came from? Great work BTW, been quietly following along when I feel then need to bounce my jaw off the desk. Sam
  13. Rich, I have seen this happen on other builds as well. I have never tried it myself but assuming the bulkheads will never be seen could you perhaps reinforce them with a lightweight fiberglass veil? It is extremely light weight on thin, wets out fast and should add some strength to the bulkhead. Its not expensive: http://www.fibreglast.com/product/synthetic-surfacing-veil-1581/Surfacing_Veils Where I work we had some animated spiders that had a couple of areas that would tear after a while, when we re-cast the flexible areas we cast some of this type of fabric into the silicone, that was two years ago and they are still going. Wet it out with a thin epoxy and let it cure over night. Perhaps just epoxy thinned with some alcohol and allowed to soak in like you did with your CA. Just thinking out loud, maybe one of the more experienced will chime in. I keep telling myself, should I ever finish the Enterprise my next build is the Rattle Snake and that build appears to have the same fragile bulkheads your build does. Just my 2 cents. Sam
  14. Slow and easy does it Carl, a couple here and a couple there and before you know it your done. Sam
  15. So the WikiWebs were WRONG??!?!?!?! Say its not so! :D 117 sounds a bit more reasonable. I have been silently watching Gregs build for a while now, havent had anything intelligent to add. Its quiet quite a build as will you be. Sam
  16. Nice little mod RIch. The quarter badge looks suspiciously like the Enterprise though I have no doubt Chucks is far superior. Sam
  17. Carl, Well done, those are some tiny pieces of brass. I dont think there is enough booze in the world to get me to tackle something like that. For me that's a migraine just waiting to happen! I never really investigated it before but looking at the AA armament I have to wonder at the IJN view of air defense. According to the WikiWebs Musashi had 12 6", 12 5" and 36 1" (25mm) barrels compared to the Iowa class BB with 40 5" 80 40mm (I think these may have been dual and quad mount, so the barrel count is higher) and 49 20mm guns (again I think these were multi barreled mounts) A huge difference in throw weight, especially at longer ranges. You would think after Midway and the Soloman campaigns they would have learned. Apparently they still felt maneuverability was more effective? Sam
  18. Matt, if those pumps aren't "too bad" than I really want to see what good looks like!! When do we get to see the water flowing out from the pumps? Sam
  19. I think you added an extra zero after the decimal point to each of those Carl. I'll blame it on the long time it took the packets to travel along the interwebs. They got stretch out.. or would they have been over compressed? Beside what a couple of thousands of an inch between friends? You could call it micro-soldering - I'll watch for the mushroom cloud as your head goes all "'splody"from trying to solder those. I imagine clean up of the solder would be even more fiddly than the actual soldering would. Carry on! Sam
  20. Thanks for checking in Dennis and thank you everybody for the likes. The cap will slip over for sure as I havent made it yet. I have to make the collars that go around the masts where they penetrate the deck as well at the pin rail that goes around the mast. At least Constructo calls for one, I have not found anything yet in Masting and Rigging, TFFM or chucks Syren practicum. Chucks Syren calls for cleats around the Main Mast. I might go that rout unless somebody points me to a reason not to.....? Sam
  21. Carl, Coming late to the party as usual. Have you considered soldering the pieces back together? Since they are not structural I would imagine you dont need real silver older. I know they are small but a dab of plumbers solder might work. As far as the number of guns, if I recall correctly you have the book Shattered Sword, by Parshall/Tully? Re-read the section on AA, you'll get an appreciation of just how hard it was to hit a moving object like a small plane. If you dont already own it I would heartily recommend it. A great read in my very humble opinion. Sam
  22. Rich< Welcome back. Good to see you in the Sand Box again. And it appears I got one of the last front row seats. That's a rarity for me. Sam
  23. Remade my Main Top Gallant. I am much more satisfied with how it fits in with the rest of the mast. I am going to attempt setting the Main mast in place today. Depending on how things go I might try getting the Fore Mast in place also. I hope I am not rushing things, but I am tired of seeing her sit there looking to same every day. A couple of pictures of the new Top Gallant set in place as well as the old one for comparison. Here is my first attempt that so irritated the Gremlin set next to the new for comparison. He is much quieter today. I may still lengthen the flag pole a bit, it seems a tad short: I go back on to a 7 day a week schedule again this monday so I dont know how much progress will be made over the next few weeks. Hopefully its only for a short period. Probably going to have lots of time to build after mid March as neither the owner or myself have had any bid requests come to us. I would never ask for work to stop coming in but I am looking forward to some time to breath. This has been going on since October I think. Sam
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