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Everything posted by src

  1. Pulling up a chair early. Its unusual for me to get a front row seat!!. Sam
  2. Good to hear you are alive and kicking Vivian, we will be here when you are ready. Sam
  3. Looking real good J. I have come to the conclusion that work is a four letter word!! Sam
  4. Quick update. I was able to get 3 pairs of shrouds on during the week and was looking forward to finishing the fourth and maybe even starting in on some ratlines - eagerly fearing that process!!! I kept coming back to my seizing on the shrouds and not liking the contrast between the brown rope and the tan seizing. SO, this morning they all came off and I replaced the seizing with dark brown 8/0 thread. I just now finished putting them back on. 3 hours and I am where I was this morning !! LOL! I now have to go out to the garage and dig out the lathe, we dont have a small enough one at work for something that goes out Tuesday night so I get to do it here at the house...... Looks like tomorrow I will get to experience the joy of ratlines.. Looking at the pictures I see have have some more adjusting to do, they are not quite close enough in line. I believe that on a working ship they would most likely not be perfectly in line, but from 51 feet away (1:51 scale) I think differences would be minimal. So Sayeth the Sam!! Sam
  5. Dennis, you'll get there. At least the other person didnt do any damage to the electronics. Sam
  6. Thanks for the kind words. I don't know how accurate this build is, I am using several different sources for inspiration and kind of making it up as I go. Sam
  7. LOL! Now that sounds like a song name. How is the back? Sam
  8. Well done Greg! Really enjoyed watching over your shoulder I learned quit a bit. Impatiently waiting for the next build. Sam
  9. That all looks so good Dennis, it always amazes me how much you get done in a day. I am happy if I can get a pair of shrouds done. Sam
  10. Well, I got a pair of lanyards rigged, only to find one of the deadeyes was about 1/16" off from the others, by the time I resiezed it, walked the dog cooked and ate dinner Better Half got home. Spent a few minutes with her while she ate. By the time I went to bed my total progress for the night was two lanyards. Progress is progress. Dennis, our cat does similar things with TV. She doesnt respond so much to things she hears as much as the occasional visual. She doesnt do it much anymore but during base ball season she will get on the cabinet and paw at the screen. Better Half swears she is a Cardinals fan. All nighters? I do enough of that with work... Speaking of which... gotta go! Sam
  11. Welcome back Larry. Good to see you posting again. The progress looks great! You cant go wrong with Chucks serving machine, especially for the price. I am toying with asking him to sell me another set of gears and trying to put a motor with a foot peddle switch on mine. Sam
  12. I wish I could bring it to the Idiot Box. I have found I dont multi task as well as I get older, I need to do one or the other. Better Half's schedule has changed in the last few months, there are 2-3 nights a week that she doesnt get home till 8-ish or even later, when I am on a regular schedule those are build nights. Our cat doesnt care one way or the other about TV nights, she has her little bed in the window she sleeps in. The dog however loves it, he gets two humans to curl up between - once he gets over being kicked out of one corner or the other of the sofa. that is. Speaking of building I have about 20 minutes to play before its dog walking time, maybe I can get a couple of lanyards rigged. Sam
  13. Yea, accidents are never fun. Good to see you back at it Russ. Sam
  14. Call it builders intuition Rich, That is some nice pre-fitting to get that kind of fit with out clamps. Sam
  15. Thanks for the comments and the likes, all very much appreciated. Russ, the cleats have been epoxied on and then reinforced with brass pins, they better not even think about popping off. Dennis, at the rate I build August is like tomorrow for the rest of you. I am trying to get back to my 1 hour a night minumum, we will see how that fly's with Better Half. She really likes a couple of nights during the week to sit and stare at the idiot box together. Sam
  16. Rich, How are you marking your planks for the taper with all that bend and twist in them?? I would be crossed eyed and babbling in frustration if I tried to do it that way. Sam
  17. I feel for ya Rich, thats a lot of work to redo. You'll be happier in the long run. Sam
  18. Well done on the bending Carl. PE Catapults and apple pie, there is a Marks Brothers skit in there somewhere. Sam
  19. Holy Smoke! Its been three months since I posted an update. Work was "Interesting" for quit a while, February and March were fun, culminating in a 24 hours shift onsite! I finally have something to show, masts are done with the exception of the Fore Topmast Cap, I have fit it up just have not trimmed it to size, its pretty obvious in the overall picture. At least to me. I started my shrouds yesterday, found that even with magnifiers I can only work a short while before I get headaches, must need new glasses. I have retied the first two dead eyes 2 or 3 times, I might still have to do them again, the seizing feel sloppy. We will see how the forward port pair works out. Somewhere after my last post, I went to make the pin rails and realized even if I wanted to pin rails would not work, the fish(?) was in the way. I could have cut it back, or cut the rail around but decided to go with cleats instead. I used white glue to make a series of blocks, gang milled them and then soaked them in alcohol to soften the glue then finished shaping them. Afterwards I glued them in and reinforced the bond with brass pins epoxied in. Thats about it, lets hope I can get more than one pair done a day in the future. I only have until August before we go back on a 6-7 day/week overtime schedule. Sam
  20. Carl, you not supposed to WEAR your PE. I suppose if you really have to its your build, but it would look so much better on Musashi not COGashi. Glad to hear the back is feeling better, been there, not fun at all. Sam
  21. Welcome back Julie, that looks great. If you ever need more wall room I have an empty drawer in one of my tool boxes, I could "store" some of those Japanese saws for you. No charge, honest. Sam
  22. Well done Dennis, it always amazes me how much you get done in a day. Not only quantity but quality too. Sam
  23. Good choice Mark, you will be much happier when its done. Sam
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