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Everything posted by src

  1. Sjors, Getting caught up here, well done, I agree with the others that is a lot of holes to cut. I would have not slept well. And the blue is a great choice. Sam
  2. Sjors, Thanks for kind words and checking in. I am not sure where I was when you built yours, probably trying to lure your Masting Gnomes away from you!! THey are a very loyal bunch. They said to me "Nope! Sjores treats us well." Nothing to show at the moment, between opening up our house so a friend could have their 50th birthday party here and then heeding the call of the trout stream I have done nothing since the last post. Caught -and released - a bunch of smallish German Browns. Made repeated sacrifices to the great fishing god Katuna in search of landing The One That Got Away. I know my sacrifices were accepted, I would leave a lure on a piece of brush in the stream and it would be gone the next day. Alas, they werent enough, I caught nothing larger than about a pound and a half. I did receive a couple of small planes from Lee Valley. I am especially interested in the chisel plane for getting in to some of those areas that a regular plane wont reach. At the moment I am having trouble adjusting it to my liking, its either too course or wont cut at all. Ill figure it out though. The part in the back ground is my Main Top Mast V2.0 Thats all for now Sam the not always so wise.
  3. That looks great Mobsie, give the seamstress a hug, and Carl to for that matter. One more reason why this is the only social networking site I belong to, the people are top notch. Thanks for detailing the sail making process, you answered some questions I didnt know I had and gave me some ideas. Sam
  4. Slog, Those look great. Especially when you consider how small they are. What are they, 8-10 mm dia to the tips of the blades? That would make the hubs what, 3mm?? My little toenail is bigger than that! Well done. I for one LOVE that you take the time to explain how you go there, I keep picking up tidbits of knowledge that can be applied not only to my work bench at home but at my day job also. Sam
  5. Russ, I totally forgot you were building for another. Fortunately it sounds like they understand that some things just cant be rushed. Sam
  6. Russ, she looks great. As others said, the journey IS the destination. Sam
  7. Johnny, I just breezed through your build. You have had quite a journey, she looks great - and Lily is quite a looker also. Its been a while but I hope your Admiral is feeling better about her loss. Thats always rough. Take care, Sam
  8. Wow, this is a whole new world to me. Like micro-origami! Well done. Sam
  9. Nicely done. I have wondered for a while now. What is the purpose of the head rail? Does it give stability to the stem? It does not seem stout enought to do much to my non-engineers eyes Sam
  10. tom, really enjoying watching your progress, well done. BTW, now there are NO people who dont know where Wlacott is. Sam
  11. Carl, a light frame is a thought. I may have to look onto that. I am not so sure about Hobbits as anchors though, I seem to recall one being dragged through a stream by a fish. More experimentation is required. Thanks Mark. I am sure you're right about the mill. I will however be able to make mistakes much faster and with great accuracy though. :D Currently fiddling with the Top Masts, figuring out how all THAT interacts and how to shape them. Allenyed pointed me to some drawings of the Enterprise - post 608 above - All the images i down loaded indicate that Top Gallant Mast are in order. Decisions decisions. Sam Sam
  12. Mark, I see Murphy is hanging about. Not to worry, as Carl said it will be better the second time around. Sam
  13. Thanks for the likes and kind words, its always appreciated. Steve, wow, thank you, way too kind. (where is the blushing emoticon when you need it??) The quality of the wood Constructo provides is poor in my opinion, but the color choices, they do a very good job there. I never thought of an ink pen to color the paper edges......! Next time. As you saw, you cant see it from normal viewing distance. I comment about things like that both as a reminder to myself for the next time as well as anybody else who my be following along, Hopefully they can learn from my experiences. I painted the bands with a mixture of Vallejo Germain Grey and a drop or two of Glossy Black to try to give it a satiny sheen. if I place them against the gun barrels they are more of a semi gloss but I am really not to concerned about it. Carl, Thank you sir! I dont know how much longer I will be comfortable with setting up a backdrop like that. I used my desk and some clamps to hold the towel up. but I have to take Her off the work bench and place her on the floor to take the pictures, that makes me nervous, I have big clumsy Hobbit feet. OK, off to work now. Sam
  14. Small update. The two Cross Trees just kept taunting me every time I looked at them so over the last several weeks I bit the bullet and remade everything with three Cross Trees. Right or wrong, short of an act of god, drinking fit or space alien invasion they are done and I am pleased with how they turned out. Next build though I really need to look into a mill, I made every part at least twice not counting the finished set with two cross trees. Chopping those half lap joints correctly was....interesting. It did give me a chance to use my new Dockyard Micro Carving chisels. The Deep Plow worked well as a micro mortising chisel. The Skew worked well for scraping away the coat of shellac I applied to the masts to keep finger prints off. When it came time to glue the battens on I was able to scrape the finish off without gouging the wood. I finished off the mast heads with card instead of soldered and blackened brass. I kept questioning my ability to make evenly spaced, close fitting brass straps. This was my first attempt at modeling with a paper product, they came out pretty good. Next time though I will choose a card stock closer to the finial color. As I was painting the white bands gray black it was quite a challenge to not get paint on the mast head. The end result looks fine from normal viewing distance, under macro or magnifying headset there is a distinct white band. Like I said though you cant really see it from normal viewing distance so I am ok with it. Pictures below.
  15. Those look good Mark. Do you like the Micro Mark mill? Would you buy it again? It wont happen any time soon, but if I ever start a second build I think a mill is in order. Sam
  16. Well done! I see the right person was chosen to complete this for Augie, he is looking down and saying "You got me smilin' Bug" Sam
  17. Rob, In addition to the great advice above, you will want to keep your cutting tools SHARP. There are as many ways to sharpen a tool as there are builders so I wont get into THAT discussion, but a strope by your work station will keep your tools in top form as you work and reduce the amount of time you spend sharpening. As you are carving keep in mind that your wood will want to split along the grain. I like to think of the cutting as either up or down hill, wherever possable try to cut down hill so if the wood does split off it splits in an area you will be removing next. If you DO have to cut "uphill" make a series of stop cuts, that will help control the breakage. Here are a couple of links that may help explain if I didnt explain properly. Down hill planing, about halfway down the page there are some illustrations that may help: http://stl1.wgcinc.com/jeff/wwi.nsf/655664e57de40eff86257aae007999a4/8adf5eef6611dfed862579de0045ae93?OpenDocument Stop cut: http://www.lsirish.com/tutorials/woodcarving-tutorials/woodcarving-fundamentals-techniques/basic-cuts-and-carving-tips/stop-cut-in-relief/ Have fun!! Sam
  18. Looking good. As Ej said You can never have too many clamps. Sometimes I think the right number of clamps is when you start pushing them off the other side. You're only taking two steps for one step back? Your not doing it right then Welcome to model ship building. Enjoying following along. Sam
  19. Yes nice work. I didnt see any marks when you started shaping, did you measure anything or is it just by eye? Sam
  20. Well done Bug! Its great ti see some progress on this. THe Cats look great, I cant see the differences you are talking about myself Ahh the things we could do as younger martial artists. I feel for you, I never tried assaulting a board in my day but there was that time I tried to demonstrate disarming a ratan stick from somebody and the stick bounced straight off the concrete and back up into my eyebrow. The number of "Sharp stick in the Eye" jokes people came up up with....... Sam
  21. Well done Sjors. You didnt say anything wrong BTW, it was all in my head. Sam
  22. Thats quite a process Slog, I am enjoying watching this come together. Sam
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