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Everything posted by src

  1. Nice work like always Russ. Thanks for posting the picture of your jig, I always enjoy seeing how others solve fabrication issues. Sam
  2. Hhhmmmm Crowded already! Looks around for OSHA, sees none. Putting on my drywaller stilts. Sam
  3. Eric, welcome to the 21st century. Not only will your towel safely support your build but its there to blot up the tears of joy and frustration as you build. I'll second Mark on the clothes pins, especially the wooden type, they can be carved to shape to fit many clamping needs. To make them even more adaptable you can also take them apart and reassemble backwards. Sam
  4. I agree with Elijah on the not being the slowest. I started my enterprise this week in 2010.
  5. Russ, god to see you back, was wondering just the other day where you had got off to. Sam
  6. Thank you Gents, Not looking for shortcuts actually just dont want to do any more rigging on-ship so to speak than I have to. After rigging my stern gun ports on-ship I vowed to do as much rigging off-ship as I could. The problem is I have never rigged a ship before so I am totally into uncharted waters here. Brian, those are Chucks hearts, there are layered up from three pieces. They go together fairly easy but do want to move around a bit as you clamp them up. I may try making a few of my own out of curiosity but I can see how they would want to turn to sawdust easily. Unfortunatly he only offers tow sizes but the smaller ones seem to work ok. I will try to get a picture of the kit tomorrow. Sam
  7. Me Likey!! What is the difference between the English and French openings? the slight angle? Or have I missed something? Sam
  8. That must be why so many of my sizings have slipped/failed!! I will have to try the varnish. Sam
  9. Thanks for the likes and compliments everybody, they are inspiration to do better. Sjors, that's cause you sent yours here!! you have mine. Mark, thanks its was a bit of a challenge getting it started. Carl, thanks but I question the better builder comment.... Rich, Its no wonder they are unfamiliar, I have once again departed from the Constructo plans. Which brings me to a series of questions. I am using a combination of Constructo's rigging plan, Chucks Syren instructions as well as Fully Framed and Masting and Rigging. I know, most likely not the smartest decisions considering this is my first build, but you only live once and as I commented elsewhere this morning, building is one of the few places life gives the opportunity for re-dos. I have finished - I think - the Bowsprit and am ready to install and do the gammoning, before I do: Rigging wise is there anything else that should be added now that will ease the rigging process later? Blocks, eyes etc? Do the hearts and or the bowsprit itself look out of scale? They look a little bulky to me, maybe I am just being timid/overly critical. Chucks Syren instructions differ in the locations of the hearts on the bowsprit from and Fully Framed and Masting and Rigging. Since none of the above are geared towards a ship as small as the Enterprise I thought I would ask the more experienced, should the hearts go forward (like I have them) or astern of the Jib Boom heel? Thanks in advance for any advice, Sam
  10. Ok then, La Machine is assembled and working, I have served several bits of string and seized some hearts. It took several tries to get something like I wanted, I have used up a quantity of rope from Chuck already, at this rate Chuck will be able to retire on me! Here is La MAchine Herself, before and after "Cosmetic Enhancement" Other than not getting all the laser char out, after a bit of stain and some finish she looks OK. She looks better off camera, richer. She works even better, now, will she do windows? And a couple of served and seized hearts. The fourth one from the left may have to be redone, there is a lot of glue schmutz that didnt get cleaned up properly. Yes its upside down. Its currently hanging, seems easier to tie off that way. I turned the photo right side up but with the lighting it looked funny so I left it. Sam
  11. Mark, Getting caught up here. I thought the rudder looked pretty good, the next will be even better. I am trying to learn from you and embrace re-dos, its one of those opportunities that life rarely gives you. Sam
  12. Coming along splendidly Sjors! I see a spot mid-ship where a carriage will fit..... As far as visiting the States, yea, you need more than a couple of weeks. I have lived here 52 years and STILL havent seen it all. There is a reason so many US citizens never get out of their own country. Sam
  13. Woo Hoo! Sjors, now your riggin' Your coming to Los Angeles when to rig my Enterprise?? Sam
  14. Sjors, Sorry to hear its not working out. You build will be great regardless. If you ever want to revisit the serving with out a machine check out a fly tieing bobbin holder like the one linked below. http://www.jsflyfishing.com/js-tools-ceramic-tubed-bobbin Sam
  15. Its your build Sjors, whatever you do will be perfect. As far as the rope not rotating when you turn the crank, I am assuming you are anchoring it to the nails that go in the end of the diamond parts? Otherwise it sounds like your gears are not meshing. I had to epoxy mine to the brass twice as the first time I tested before the epoxy was fully cured and the bond broke. Perhaps you have the same situation? Sam
  16. So this is where you disappeared to. Nice start so far, how are things progressing? Sam
  17. Well done Mark, fiddly indeed. i am envious, you only have one wall side, i have five!! Sam
  18. If not here there is lots of information on line. Now, the $64k question is where did you find that hot pink building mat? The Better Half would like one Sam
  19. Well done Robbyn, will you clear coat the copper or let it age? Sam
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