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Posts posted by Edwardkenway

  1. 1 hour ago, Jack12477 said:

    Well, it is now finished

    Good job Jack, it's very red! We don't get many red ones over here, ours are very yellow,  or yellow and blue.  I like it😃😃


    1 hour ago, Jack12477 said:

    Stay tuned for the next incarceration build :D;)

    I'm in before you start, that is unless you've already started it🤪

  2. 6 minutes ago, popeye the sailor said:

    WOW!  superb job on the Dauntless Ed!   very well done :) 

    Thanks Denis, I thoroughly enjoyed building it.  A C47 1/100 scale is next one.


    10 minutes ago, popeye the sailor said:

    I've got Tora Tora Tora in my library........my favorite is the Blue Max.......went through hell finding a copy  ;) 

    Is that the George Peppard WW1 movie? I like that one as well.😃👍

  3. Just now, VTHokiEE said:

    Wow, that looks great! Great job! I’m looking forward to whatever you choose next (but please don’t neglect your ships too much I really want to see that Triton and Winchelsea come to light 😉).

    Thanks, must admit I've stalled on Triton as I need some more wood but can't get it as the budget won't allow. As for Winchelsea I'm still fairing the hull and it is a BIG hull😲

  4. 23 minutes ago, lmagna said:

    What you need to do Edward is build a box that the plane sits in and paint the insides to look like the lower hanger deck of an aircraft carrier with the plane sitting on the elevator. Then make the outside of the box look all flowery. Then you can sit the box in the house and every now and then open the lid and up pops the plane on the elevator. She gets her pretty and you get to see your nice build a little more often.:D 

    Thanks Lou, That's not a bad idea 🤣 I'll look into it!

    27 minutes ago, Canute said:

    Nicely done Edward.

    Thanks Ken

  5. 27 minutes ago, Jack12477 said:

    Edward, check out my Dauntless 1:32 scale  . Not as good as yours tho.

    That's a great looking plane Jack, fantastic detail and a fine job of a build. Thanks👍


    14 minutes ago, Egilman said:

    think this is the prettiest scheme they had.....


    Beautiful job my friend.... it a shame she's going to be a hangar queen, but I guess you have to follow the admiral's orders... :-)

    Thanks EG and for the info on her.

    Yep orders is orders. 

    She'll get some missions now and then 😉

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