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Posts posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Today I got some time on dauntless in between chores and fairing Winchelsea, so the intermediate blue got done then masked up to do the sea blue. 

    At the time of the photos it still needs a couple more coats of sea blue. 

    Thanks for dropping by and the likes everybody 😁😉




    Looking at these photos  I think I may have to lighten this blue?

  2. Well considering I'm off work and stuck at home, my time playing, sorry working! on my models is very little due to all the things I have to do round the house. 😫😥

    But have got some colour on the dauntless, only the white but it shows? progress. 😁 I'm thinking one more coat and things can start happening again. 

    Thanks for all the likes, comments and digressions, they're much appreciated and a nice distraction 😏😉

    Cheers till next time 👍


  3. The cherry wood for my stem arrived, I've cut the parts and glued them together. While waiting for the glue to dry the base board was made up.

    So with the keel and stem fitted Winchelsea now sits on her build board with the bulkheads just placed in , not glued.


    So the mammoth job of fairing the hull is next. I've got plenty of time for that  because of this virus, so I'll come back when I'm something like with the sanding. 

    Thanks for the likes. 

    Cheers 😁👍


  4. Welcome to MSW,  condolences for your brother. 

    24 minutes ago, mtaylor said:


    I check our index and there's no logs for either of those

    Deep in the kit logs there's a kit bash of an Amati Egyptian ship by Nikiforos, I don't know wether it's the one you're thinking of building though.

     Egyptian "Byblos-Ship" trader by Nikiforos - Amati - 1/50th - bash


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