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Everything posted by cog

  1. If I recall well, there were quite a lot of British damsels building Spitfires, so what's the story on the female touch building Mossies?
  2. Got to get me one of those giant lighters too! Barrels look real good, the original ones were probably unadorned ...
  3. Steven, probably rather expensive too. When I look at the price I paid for some 1/350 guns (vickers and such) ... I don't think I would like to pay the bill when I had 30 armless () rowers printed
  4. Use an airbrush to keep the dust from settlin' down, Pat. That is some lovely work you have done on the gun, as did your 3D conversion friend.
  5. Yes it would be a shame to have them put to work without the use of their arms! Or you pile them up with a sign: Up for grabs I think Pat has the gist of it. With some work I do need to write things down, like sequence of actions ... I have ended up with some parts I didn't expect
  6. Glad you are not running out of it! Very nice result EG. I'll get my sunglasses out in preparation of the fuselage! I do wonder about the consistency over such a large area ...
  7. It seems to me you should go for the grey theme, and leave the brown as is ... easier for the administrators
  8. The odd chicken ... (instead of the regular duck in the expression)
  9. He wouldn't be deprived of fog living in Britain ... whole ilses seem to vanish there ... (Avalon) A foggy garden won't be a probablem it seems to me ...
  10. Odd vaddoc, I do not have that, which theme are you using? It may be related. You could try switch theme, and find out
  11. Looks very spiffy, Mindi. The planking on the flydeck ... I really love the way it turned out
  12. Chickening out ... ? (Let's see if EG goes for the bait)
  13. Well not if you had to sit in the middle in the rear ... I can still feel the blasted metal frame!!!
  14. Thanks for the likes and comments. It does, however, requiers quite some masking tape, and a steady hand, sailor. Olive doing alright? Still waiting for the items from Poland. Postage izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sssslllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  15. As Nick wrote: Glue, fill, sand, prime, [correct, prime,] paint. There is no way you'll be able to solve the gap problem without messing up your previous paint effort. My favourite youtube modeller (PLASMO) said in his Lamborghini Aventador build that he preferred to glue all parts of the body so he can avoid nasty gaps after painting and then glueing it together. It is nearly impossible to correct it afterwards. Incidentally, I have the same experience
  16. Perrhaps a good point to convince the Admiral ...
  17. Thanks gents, "Uniform" suits me better
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