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Everything posted by cog

  1. Bend it ... Did(/could) the old masters bend such a piece? Maybe better to find a nice piece of wood with a stunning flowing grain, like a 'trained' tree ...?
  2. You could use brass tubing like http://hobby.uk.com/materials/metal/round-brass-tube.htmlYou should taper the tube however.
  3. Mark, It's a HOBBY so: challenge = fun You'll get it right anyway!
  4. Looking fabulous Bob. Your admiral should be trhilled.
  5. Stunning Michael. You mentioned 'press fit' ... how much pressure do you use to push them in?
  6. I'd rather have 'Van Nelle' coffee if you've got any ... I presume you're preparing for the 'jump off' for version 2.0
  7. You could use masking liquid at the border and tape for the wider part ... I know with water colour painting masking liquid (very sirupy, almost a paste) is used a lot ..
  8. Well thouhgt through Mark. Good to see you took the drawing. Sometimes a picture can say more than a thousand words, but sometimes it puts you on the wrong foot as it did with vs 1.0 In todays day and age you really have to be sharp using images with all the scanning, retouching, etc
  9. Lovely details, not to say sublime!!! (Starts to look like a BLMC Mini engine )
  10. L.s. It's not windows 7 AND ie11, it's just ie11
  11. Augie, Next year it will be the 'Popeye Gallery' Looking good spinach-sailor. You keep on surprising us with your quick mind, and creativity!!
  12. It could be a bit morepronounced, but thta's based on an image(!) In reality it may be enough ... It also depends on the state she was in at the time
  13. I think Gwen does have a point Piet. Goldplate would make it really shine!!! The cherry on top
  14. Bill Looking good, I like your plankbender. I'll be following your build with interest
  15. Mark, So far you haven't given me the impression you 'overthink', you (merely?) think things through - rather thorougly though.
  16. Michael, Looks stunning, as all your metal working has been here at MSW so far. I presume you make it a runnung engine ... any reason for using brass instead of iron, aluminium, etc?
  17. Mark (or is it Muad'dib now ), I thought she sailed the wet oceans, not those off planet ...
  18. Looking better and better. What about boring (?) ... we've got some elevation on deck!
  19. mark I like Keith's representation, like that you're nearly finished!
  20. Adrieke, I recon it's a large hull and the white part doesn't look bad from here. Probably up close it looks different (as always)
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