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Everything posted by cog

  1. Sam, Why not use dovetail joinery, nice and sturdy. You are a fine craftsman, so that shouldn't pose to much of a problem
  2. Lovely job on the masts and the brass Bob Lookin' forward to more!
  3. Mobbsie, Maybe we should stick to perception and get some of those 'parking beepers' to use around ourselves if confronted with sharp objects. Be carefull
  4. Nice work. Quick and clever way to make sloops! Like the stain you used.
  5. Aye Popeye, As long as you jot down the right content in the right log, and use the materials on the propper build, I don't much mind you switching, I'm daft alreay catching up a years worth of build logs
  6. Piet, She's looking very smart. I love what you've accomplished with mere razor blades, apair of ordinary scissors, very small files, very small drill bits, a soldering iron, and not to forget your pair of strong fingers. Very lovely details!
  7. Hi Sam, Magnetron, oven, take-away, delivery service (depends on your taste aswell) ... However, so far you've been well on the way creating a production plant for carriages, what about the foundry ...?
  8. That's exactly what I meant. I'm looking forward to see your solution!
  9. Russ, She does look good, beter even. Your remark about the deadeyes and chainplates made me ponder on it too. The deadeyes do look a bit small compared to the chainplates ... If you made the chainplates of soldered wire, would that not be more in ratio?
  10. Sam, Isn't it natural to prolong the building time with 'sub projects' when confronted with (scarry) items like masts. rigging ... I suppose taht currently I seem to be carrying that record
  11. Nice work! It is always harder to redo compared to start with a fresh pristine build.
  12. Love it Sam! Your toolbox has extended too ... if not the use of it! Looking gooooood
  13. Can't take a day off and you start a-new ... Since all seats have been taken, I'll be the shadow standing at the back somewhere, trying to get a peak at the master's workmanship. Nice to see some saw- and sanddust flying again. I can almost smell it here ... P.s. Glad to know Xmas has been moved to April
  14. Just read the log: Very nice work Bob. Wounderful detail too. Those admirals realy do know how to 'move' us don't they ...
  15. Mihai, A lovely kit. You've got your work cut out for you! Swell job on the hull so far. I'll be poppin' in from time to time
  16. Not jet Sam. I'll give you a buzz when Dolphyn has resurfaced from below newspapers, folders, and ... mainly DUST. However, I've first some major catching up to do. Love your stamina!
  17. Sam, Those carriages are looking goooooood. Since you've got the hang of it ... make me 10
  18. Jason, Long time no see. You've been continuing steadilly all those months, while I haven't been able to do anything. Very nice work on the rigging!!
  19. Bob, Went through your build, as I haven't been around of late. You realy did a wounderful job on her. My compliments. Will be following your next endeavour!
  20. Looking good Wayne. You and your crew managed to produce more than I did! Hope to find some time too soon
  21. Hi Adam, Looks like a ver nice kit. Well done on the bargain. Looking forward to your handywork
  22. Nice solution Bob. But what else could we expect from a creative mind!
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