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Everything posted by cog

  1. Nice sturdy jigg. When I saw it I was wondering what sea containers would be used on deck ...
  2. Maybe this proves helpfull/sheds a light on the topic The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War.Brace Top Sail.pdf (Jay: Je weet nooit hoe een koe een haas vangt...)
  3. That's clear, but why would you use it when you apply the brass blackener, and brass does not rust ...
  4. Extensive cooking repertoir Bob! Hope it doesn't end up in a pot ... might just be a bit chewy Sharp thinking though - must keep it in mind!!
  5. Why on earth would you do that ... even by mistake ... You'ld better double check your line's ends when playing with scissors
  6. I just mightn't have been wrong ... A sight for sore eyes PopEye. Great improvement
  7. Can't you paint some 'sheet' rubber in the color you need or hard plastic cut to size.Since the vinil should probably be reasonably smooth ...
  8. Knowing you, you'll experience it as a hughe blemish on your pristine work. You'll be sanding and spraying it all over again. You'll even get new paint to do it. I might be wrong, it just may be that I might be wrong ...
  9. I would say that learning here is mainly trying to understand what's goin' on (and how) and if you're lucky: If applicable apply to your own (future) build(s).
  10. Jim, 1/ The centre has built-in bearings, it is as we call it a self revolving centre. At first I only used the centre, but changed it later to a chuck for versatility. 2/ The drill chuck I mounted fixed, however, if you want it to rotate, you'll need a bearing, whichyou can take out of an old broken drill if you've got one of those ... and radial would do. It is only a spinning action it needs to perform and the pressure won't be more than the weight of the chuck and centre (or other insert) If you want more pictures, just ask ...
  11. Auch!!! Take care. It is strange, however often you check, and check again, there's always something you forget to check. Frustrating!
  12. The blackened nails and hinges look good. So does the woodwork. Splendid job!
  13. You could add a layer of clear satin or mat paint (diluted ...) to get rid of the shine. Another option is to use cloth, e.g. cotton - you can get that in any thickness and color
  14. She, in the end, will turn out like a jewel amongst her kind Always good to hear from your browsing experiences and the results thereof
  15. Jim, I made a DIY lathe kind a jigg from a drill and a drill head and lathe centre. In the image you see only the centre, but later I added the drill head so I could change the tool at the opposite side of the drill maybe something to use s reference material ...
  16. I'm glad you kept the colours rural: John Deer and Paprika (do paprika grow below the surface?!?), it really makes one feel at sea ... As usual Gwen, as an Admiral, is right
  17. I wouldn't call 800 kg not much ... I know pastry is cut with water didn't know about brass. Looks great though.
  18. Great instruction Michael!!! Maybe you should start some "HowTo's" for the less educated amongst us (including me)
  19. Sharp paint job Pops! Dug out the cellar rather quick ... March did actually come in January!!! AND you found the right colour too!. Model wizardry ...
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