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Tony Hunt

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Everything posted by Tony Hunt

  1. Congratulations on your retirement Grant, I just took the same plunge. Happy days! Harriet M is looking good.
  2. I think that's the spirit that has shone through in this build log and made this such an interesting model to follow. Thanks for the journey Steven, it's been educational and enjoyable.
  3. That's a really nice case. Clean, sharp modern.
  4. Those cambered gratings are just gorgeous.
  5. Are you going to paint a face on the inside of one of them? 😃 Seriously though, they look really good. Was it difficult to get them polished properly?
  6. That is exquisite work Bitao. You continue to amaze me with the exactness and beauty of your craftsmanship.
  7. Hi Bitao, did you make the sampler yourself?
  8. That is a mighty fine looking workshop Gary. Kudos and envy in equal proportions! 😀
  9. Hi Pat For clarity, we're talking about the lower yard, not the topsail yard, is that correct? As a "fixed" yard, I would assume that the lifts for the most part are really only for keeping the yard level, so a powerful purchase perhaps isn't needed, and a single line as you describe might suffice. Whereas for the topsail yards, a purchase would surely be required?
  10. The castle looks fantastic, lovely work. The marquetry to make the bas-relief pattern is really effective.
  11. Shouldn't the green boat be on the starboard side and the red one on the port side? 😀 Just kidding, it's looking really good Rob.
  12. Like Glenn, I'm a big fan of satin Wipe On Poly. The trick, as Glenn says, is to put on just enough, you don't want to form a surface layer, it should all be soaked into the wood. You then get a durable "oiled-wood" finish.
  13. Wow, that's looking really good. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the castles go onto the ends of the ship in practice
  14. That does seem like the only arrangement that would gel with the gear listed. Two separate halliard tackles seems odd, but maybe that provides the lifting power that the absent winch was supposed to provide?
  15. "Tony, I've seen your very informed comments on other people's builds, but haven't seen your own log. Am I missing something?" No, you're not missing anything Steven. I'm all talk and no action! 😀 I don't have a build under way right now, I'm running out the last few months to retirement and then I hope I'll have the headspace to do some serious model building. Although I have a lot of competing projects to deal with too - a half-written book on pearling luggers needs to be finished, for one. I do have plenty of modelling subjects lined up though. So watch this space!
  16. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching this build come together, and I am really impressed with the finished model. Add another wow to the tally.
  17. Nice idea - the hull is pretty much what I imagine the Ringle would have looked like.
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