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Everything posted by Duanelaker

  1. You’re preaching to the choir...they are the best I’ve ever dealt with!
  2. Welcome to the site! Local 7 plumbers and pipefitter here in Albany, New York. What model do you think you’ll start with?
  3. I figure I’ll do the same as you and hope for the best and just get better. Plus after cutting all the pieces I’ll have to have gained skills lol. If it comes out half as good as yours I’ll be happy. Your guns look great btw.
  4. Phil, how can you tell the year? I thought I got a great deal on this same victory kit on eBay (cost me $125 total!). Once I received it and opened it up I thought the quality of wood was great, however, everything will need to be cutout with I assume a jig saw as it is not laser or stamped. Was yours? I’m guessing it is late 80’s early 90’s, but I don’t know when they started stamping or precutting the wood. Any idea?
  5. What has worked for me so far: 1) Boil tea kettle of water 2) pour water into travel coffee mug with the wood lengths standing up but weighted down with clip (so it doesn't float) 3) set timer kitchen timer for 5 minutes 4) wait mostly five minutes or longer, remove from water and slowly manipulate a slight curvature 5) place curvature into canoe and make sure the wood strip is in contact with the bottom and sides of canoe correctly 6) clamp with clothespin (any other clamp was leaving a dent in the wood) 7) let dry thoroughly (approx. 30-45 minutes to be safe - my woodstove keeps that room roughly 80F) 8) remove clamps and glue ribs and fingers to boat 9) repeat, repeat, repeat ( I was doing about 5 at a time)
  6. Yes they are close for sure, mine did not come with the instructions you are showing. The one I have comes with written instructions and three plan sheets. There are no real logs for the old kit so it’s been a learning process. I thought about doing the pattern as you show it but I liked the picture and directions that came with my model.
  7. Welcome to the site! I hope to bring my son there someday 😊. Those guns are a lot bigger then I thought!
  8. I’ve been working on the cabins...it’s been entertaining for sure. Getting a lot of the large rough work done, there will be a lot of little fiddle items including stairs, railings, paneling...
  9. Well I haven’t thrown it in the wood stove yet 😂. There are a lot of these frames...onward.
  10. I really enjoyed your build! Congratulations on finishing and overcoming your issues! Awesome! I did the AL Bounty Jolly Boat and had issues and wanted to quit...glad I finished. You really turned this into a wonderful project 😊
  11. Welcome to the site!
  12. Welcome! I look forward to your build log 😊
  13. Welcome to the group!
  14. Do you mean the distance between the frames or the actual wood? I’ll have to take a look at the Indian girl plan
  15. Welcome!
  16. Nevermind Menards is much better price, but this site has some cool stuff anyways, so i will leave the link. For people in the states I found this one, it seems the price has gone up since I purchased but it is still better then Amazon Canada for US. https://www.pennstateind.com/store/ML9664X.html
  17. Welcome to the forum!
  18. I don’t mind it being visible, I’m thinking I’d want the canoe tilted a bit...just can’t picture it with the paddles and such
  19. With how clean your work is I’m sure it’ll be a beautiful piece! On my Canadian I think I might stick with carpenters glue...I’m not sure I’m good enough and can keep it clean with the CA
  20. Was super tedious...the last few were tough. I was impressed how light it is off the frame! Lots of fiddly things to go. Wondering how I should mount it or display it.
  21. Thanks! I wish it was a little tidier lol hopefully after sanding and clear coating it’ll be nicer. Love your black pearl btw!
  22. I ended up glueing the frame in one spot because the bottom of the boat was flaring out...did pretty good trimming the pieces to fit...
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