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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Thank you very much Denis, I am still seeking for turn of the century figures preferably in 1:144 scale and unfortunately ca`nt find any. There are very few for example from Preiser in scale 1:160, these being a tic too small, but better that without..... Should anyone come cross a source I would greatly appreciate for any hint... The airline figures I am using, in proper scale 1:144, are just for dimensional configuration in the moment. Nils
  2. interesting Project Rob, that four masted clipper ship must have been one of the largest and beautiful clippers ever built in wood. Encouraged by an article here at MSW I was curious about this ship and looked up the appropriate pages in the heritage Dec. 1935 edition of the Popular Science Magazine. (frame plan on page 95) I wish you a good start with your project, and much fun with digging out, exploring and gathering all you need for that lovely build. Will be following the "rebirth" of this clipper... Nils
  3. Hi Bob, yes, I think I can leave it by 18,5 mm wall hight of deck housings plus about 0,5 mm for the forestanding deck coaming above the deck (under the walls ). Considering the above deck`s curvature the top deck comes down to remaining space of about 17,5 mm at the sides, (what you see with the figures). The problen is, I have no chance to fix it later on, if the optical appearance would provide too little space between the decks. I have here a pic of the KWdG promenade deck ( a lady in the foreground and a man in the background ), this pic kindly borrowed from Norwegian Heritage of the web, shows the hights relation quite well......, although around 1900 the people were not so tall Nils
  4. Thanks Gerhard, sure, its a tricky area in place where there is only the thin promenade deck to fasten the stachions. But that will have to wail until the deck housings are done. Made a few more raw doors and windows today and some light-vents stb / port of the foremost housing walls (only dry fitted, finaly mounted later on Nils)
  5. Thanks very much Piet, Except from the little dummy, I have`nt started with those deckstanchions yet, in the way I intended it to be, but I do hope it will work out well.... Nils
  6. Hello Sjors, good start on the "Sovereign of the Seas"...... And happy birthday...., enjoy your day Nils
  7. Thank you Denis. in the moment I`m checking the hights between the decks in relation to the scale. Here some (airline 1:144) figurines come very handy Nils need some strong support for rilling the row of holes for 4 vent tubes later on maybe the deckhousing walls are still a bit too high, but I also have to consider the deck curvature
  8. Congrats, Looks like you have chosen a precision high quality kit, I like that lapstrake planking very much, looks very realistic for the "Hanse Kogge" Nils
  9. very nice work Iosto, it has the special touch of a real naval "workhorse" under duty for several months at sea....., and held in best condition very well beautiful built ship... Nils
  10. hello Martin, nice update on the lighting hatching and housing, looks great.... enjoy a pleasant time in Maine... Nils
  11. Hey Amalio, that model, you name the "inner mold", looks to me as if it is the actual model (by the way an awsome and most beautiful build) I`m hard trying imagine for what reason you are building that "outer" harness, if not for building a second, or more models, where you need to exactly position the basic contours, like gun ports, wales etc.... Nils
  12. Hi Patrick, I`ve been straining my mind how to fasten stanchions in this special area, where there is hardly any "flesh" to safely fasten the stanchion to the deck above..... Found this solution now, hope it works out well..... Nils sorry for pic quality, its only to show the area I meant.... the next are self explaining, together with the little dummy I made The stancion pin is 0,8 mm and the spacer tube slipped over it is 0,9 mm inner diam. / 1,3 mm outer diam.
  13. Greg, your kind compliment is very much appreciated..... As already said, I`m beginning with the major part of the promenade deck cabin housings...... Nils the rounding front requires a light framework here also the lower davit bearings can be seen (attached from outside to the L-rail that holds the railing the aftwards stay of the foremast is still missing
  14. Johann, that pic with the boats on deck and besides the ship shows your extraordinary skills for details on heritage ships...... Also wonderful photographing Nils
  15. many thanks for your kind appreciations Bob and Johann, I`m on with the larger deck cabins now... Bob, you were quite right with calculative 17 mm hight acc. to the side view plan a have, but I think it has to be increased a bit Nils
  16. thanks to Gerhard, Kees, and David, and all the "likes" Gerhard, I`m pleased with the result so far, its much fun seeing her come together.... Kees, thanks for your word, a few years ago I could also begin a new project, leaving some other uncompleted, I think its the never ending challenge for seeking solutions for production methods with the scratch builds that keeps one going.... David, you`re right with place problem,... in this case I might have to swap with the ships on the shelf (its long enough) behind my workdesk Nils
  17. Thanks again Jeff, the handicap when modeling a large liner is often to find and choose a suitable scale. Usualy I would build 1:96 or 1:100 but that would work out with 2 meter model length (beast !) and sowith bust all space availability Scale 1:144 provides an overlookable dimension rating, and is about smallest I can do with my humble tool equipement, and to achieve a nice looking in details, (winches, decks, ..., etc....). Also the stairs /ladders, railings, ( etched part patterns), buckle screws,... and so on, even if very fragile, are at least available at good sorted model ( web-...) shops Nils
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