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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Clare, I like the approach you have taken to this model. This cutter is also one of my future candidates. Wonderful that you are planing to spend her a suit of sails, shall stay tuned to your build.... Nils
  2. Hi Clare, Thanks for sharing this build... the lines of the "Alert" look great, and the kit`s lasered Card parts seem to fit perfect, I`m curious on the outcome..., it Looks very encouraging and your work is nice and clean. The scale is a bit small (1:96) , was just imagining this magnified to 1:50 and in wood, would be a marvelous Framework. The "Alert is a candidate for clinker planking Nils
  3. Thats easy David, I just hold the square section against the tube inside diam. sorting out a suitable tube. The flat portions are well inside the inner circle diam. the squares Corners are slightly outside the circle. Whenn squaring over the thorn it fairly equalizes the round to square lengths, without stretching the metal at all (only shaping Change) I still had quite a lot of Surplus brass tube from the masting and Yard-making of the tallships Nils
  4. Doris, many thanks to you for your words, I love your masterly skills and admire those lovely figures you do so well, wish I could do even somewhat alike... Nils
  5. Thank you Geoff, I`ll try to keep it up... David and Michael, ...was one of those ideas with the square hoops from tube, that came when walking the dog in the morning, I had that idea already some time earlier, when making the bands for the anchor crossbeams in different sizes, but then I still had some squaretube to cut from for those... Nils
  6. Thanks Bob, I`m Feeling very much honored for all the kind comments and "likes", and am happy that my first heritage 18th century ship is liked. Hopefully I`ll find through all the rigging work as well, I am still gathering information on that behalf I just sliced some rings from a 8 x 0,5 mm brass tube and reshaped these over the handle part of an old square-file, so the brace Fittings work out exactly to slip tightly on the 6 x 6 mast top squares, simple easy without soldering Nils
  7. beautiful cap rail work Vitus, also all other work clean and neat, Looks great Nils
  8. Hi Jason, today I found and ordered the edition: Petersson's "Rigging Period Ship Models" from a reasonable offer at Ebay, hope that shall bring some more detailed knowledge for my rigging process when the post arrives from the UK next week, thanks again for your tip I would have liked to find a priceworthy second Hand David Antscherl`s Volume 4, like Bob suggested but there are only new books that come round about 90 USD incl. postage to Europe Bow sprit rigging is nearly completed... Nils
  9. Happy birthday Nigel, I wish you all the best for your new living year and much power and fun for your fine modeling. Enjoy your special day (your PM box seems to have run over) Nils
  10. very nice looking build Mike, enjoyable to see the Progress... Nils
  11. Pete, you`re a lucky guy if you can do without more books... many queries can be settled on this Forum, and besides that there still is the web with many answers Nils
  12. Thanks Crackers, yes, Doris`s approval is always very encouraging, she is utmost knowlegable, as can be seen on her models Bob, many thanks, I trust that book will be one of my next Investments. At least I already know that I shall have to face the rigging of jib- and stay sails as well..., this means many more lines, belaying Points and block tackles than the Amati plan shows Omega, thank you for your appreciative words I like very much... Pete, without owning any of these obviously fantastic naval constructing books that some of you fellow builders are Holding I probably will be missing details I did`nt even know that they should / could be made and integrated B.E. agree, the weight related sag of lines, orientated on the actual ship rigging is probably "the dot on the i" for an authentic model. (high skill Level !) I love to go into your Pegasus log now and then for studying various Details, like open heart collars for slipping back the jib-boom, flagpole on the spritboom cap, rudder coat, Z-form joining on the outer top platform supports, woolding below the outer cheeks , etc,... I have too Little experience on 18th century ships and their rigging myself to know what "backstage" can and should be considered to put on a model, other than the plan Shows (although I am quite impressed of Chris Watton`s Amati plan Quality and drawing details) Nils
  13. Bob, Thanks so much for your tip with Antscherls Vol. 4. I just had a look at your 1:48 Kingfisher again, it is so wonderful, what a treat ! BTW. just a question..., perhaps Bob you may know, Thanks in advance I noticed that on the plan there are no precautions for rigging any Stay- or jib-sails, is this a swan class own speciality, to sail without ?. For example here enclosed a scetch I borrowed from the web, showing a 3 mast frigate , I mean the sails # R,O,U,S,P,M,T,Q,N Would all These triangle have to be rigged as well when doing a full set of sails ? I have never seen a Picture showing a swan class with full sails, what does Vol. 4 say ? Nils
  14. Thank you Jason, I`ll be on the watch for Petersson`s books, found some Details on the web from www.all-model.com/rigging Michael, Thanks for your words, I invested into a set of blocks from Chuck`s Syren shop. For the different diam. ropes I`ll stay with Polyester thread in appropriate dimensions, as I experienced that the (better looking ropes) from natural threads are too elastic for stays and shrouds... Pete, Thanks for your appreciative comment, its my first 18th century ship, so I hope There wo`nt be too much done wrong Popeye, I can share your experience on the sometimes confusing line-start and where it is leading to.... Once the function is understood ist a lot easier Nils
  15. Hi Popeye, I`m trying to follow and understand the function of every rigging line (Standing and running) in order to put them on as realistic as possible. I am intending to brace the sails nearly to the shrouds and hope that the foreseen belaying Points will allow to do so without major changes to the plan Nils
  16. David, its an older digitable Casio camera type Exilim, EX-Z60, with 6 Megapixels, which has been accompaning me reliably all these years already I am missing a feature fo macro shots but would have to invest much more for including that. Nils
  17. Thank you Jason, I trust the rigging in total shall be quite challanging to do, especially when the sails are also rigged, all the upper Yards with their sails will have to be hoisted to a higher Level. The more I study the Amati plan, the more I find on foreseen running rigging lines, etc.... For example rigging and setting the bowlines only makes sense when the sails are set and the ship is on high course to the wind (Amati shows the bowline running rigging as well !) Nils
  18. Hi Martin, the heart blocks are made of brass, I can do them faster than from Wood, and because I had some suitable profiles at Hand. The wooden heart blocks looked too clumsy for my eye, and the Profile takes the stay rope safe and secure. Here a Little Hand scetch to explain how I did it... Nils
  19. Build log part 53 Still doing the masting, top platforms and started tackling the bowsprit self made "heart blocks" for the stays and violin block All blocks put on The Standing rigging for the bowsprit can be put on... lazy day at the Fitting out shipyard Nils
  20. Peter, Thank you very much for your kind and appreciative words. Agree with the praise of the beer brewer when a nice cool beer hisses down after work Nils
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