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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Build log part 39 mast top lower top platform here with Counters for upper shroud spanners made several mini shackles for Multi usage Build log part 40 to follow... Nils
  2. Michael, thats a a nice rememberance to your mind. The mainsheet block shall look great when its done Nils
  3. Thanks for your nice comment Nigel, I found out that doing models in finer scale than 1:95, max 1:100 is not so well producable for me, too much fiddeling and fagile parts. A Limit of course is the length of an actual ship...., for example I would love to challenge in doing one of those famous 4-stacker Atlantic liners between 1900 and WW1. I have already a beautiful plan for Cunards quadtriple screw "Lusitania" in scale 1:200, that could be magnified, I fell in love with the lines...., but still its a beast in model-length, let alone in scale 1:100, would Need an extra room for that. Nils
  4. great model Mark neatly built and good looking all the way, well done! Nils
  5. Build log part 38 poopdeck handrail Prior to sanding and varnishing wheel to auxiliary rudderstand decks nearly completed nav sight-bearing devices on pods next to the raft containers handrails complete all around poopdeck mizzen mast top shroud wire chords a few hundred blocks (in total) for all the sail operating running rigging spanners for the upper shrouds of foremast Build log part 39 to follow... Nils
  6. Popeye, the railing assembly is always quite a fiddeling session, and when those thin stanchions are bent too often they simply break off. I consider about 5-10% spare when purchasing... Nils
  7. Michael, in total it must have been appr. 1600 manhours, but not continously building, because the Pamir was pulled up inbetween, whilst the Gorch Fock stood waiting, so that both ships nearly had the same sequence Level and I could do common practice withe the sailmaking, etc... Cheers Nils
  8. Build log part 37 the anchorchain-stoppers choke type, with spindle in combination with electric spills and Spill band-brake device forecastle deck now ready for operation Crew in Trial positions because of the Motor there must be an machine telegraph operator poopdeck railing nearly completed continous Progress.... Build log part 38 to follow.... Nils
  9. Doris , Thanks so much for those Close up pics of those absolutely fantastic mystic figures, its like in fairyland even with my 66 years Nils
  10. congrats Karl, a great tool that Proxon lathe, someday I think I will invest in such myself Nils
  11. Build log part 36 the forecastle stairs will not be permanently fixed until the frontmast rigging in that area is done, due to Access Problems otherwise view without the boats uncomplete forecastle deck, the portside only bears an nostalgic admiralty type anchor shortcut Access to boatstations also directly possible from welldeck portside welldeck Forward view the stairs to poopdeck shall be integrated into the railing Build log part 37 to follow.... Nils
  12. Mauro, Plankings Looks good are you going to fill the plank gaps in some way when the Planks are all laid down ? Nils
  13. Build log part 35 starting the brass railings with 3 hole stachions and 0,4mm wire from the spool shaping a duct for the potside anchor ...and on towards the boatstations front mast goes through the deck here the two boats are hanging outwards but also can be swung inwards fit in the forcastle stairs (to be soldered with the railing, later on ropedrums attached railing continued around the boatstations and up to the liferaft containments Build log part 36 to follow.... Nils
  14. Build log part 34 Davits fitted on poopdeck walking Planks at boatstation again the wheelstand portside boat rigged all boats on... Build log part 35 to follow.... Nils
  15. Build log part 33 nav. light containments mushroom type vents on the deckhouse top slowly having all deck Fitting-out placed front of poopdeck with main wheelstand two additional raft containers still lots of space on the welldeck the White round item is not the cooking pot, its the mother gyro-compas containment White tipped Ends... Builg log part 34 to follow.... Nils
  16. very nice hull Bob, with her slightly higher aft deck, the fine elegant lines she reminds me of the gloucester fisher boats, as well as the fast Pilot schooners of that time in all great looking ! Nils
  17. very nice work Mike, clean accurate and wonderful joining. I like the answer you gave as to your intended Planking already, and expect your model to be one of the great ones at MSW. Well done Nils
  18. Build log part 32 Walking Planks at the boat stations, and further vents funnel, vents, wheelstand, two compas stands, Skylight and rudderposition indicators, the boat is just for checking available space in length nav light Towers (here still without lanterns) Forward vents, radar-bar, fog horn and forecastle raft Containments mounted cradle device for strapping raft containers navlight containments Build log part 33 to follow.... Nils
  19. candy for eyes and soul Doris, you put so much love into every Detail... even the Little stand plate withe the Name and those great modelled (unicorns ?), do you have a Close up view ? Nils
  20. David, when the GF2 log is done I shall have to switch back to online actual-progress-posting. Unfortunately, when I built the live swedish museum Steamer "Bohuslän" I think Digit-cameras were not available at that time, so no pics from that build except for the last stage Fitting out ones. David sorry I did`nt answer the first part of your question..., it took me 1,5 years to make Nils
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