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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. Ab, I really do appreciate your kind offer!!!! It is a most difficult decision, seeing that each and every image is so stunning in its visual impact and nautical accuracy. It would be an absolute delight to receive a PDF of The Amsterdam Port at Nightfall or Kaag. Do you have a favorite or an opinion based on all of your historical knowledge? I am not that familiar with perspex prints, so I would also appreciate your opinion on that as well. When I receive the PDF file, I will ensure it is printed at the highest resolution and in the highest quality based on the information I can gather, and then display it in a place of honor with a waterfront view in our home on Roanoke Island in North Carolina. I will also make sure that you see the end result. I really can't thank you enough. My wife and I are really excited and happy to display your work, and if there is any way possible, we would like to make sure you and your son are fairly compensated. Thanks again!
  2. I am simply stunned at your wonderful work and generous gift to the MSW community. I would love to have one of your images printed and framed in my home on the Outer Banks of North Carolina! Knowing where they came from, and that they are a father son collaboration just makes it all very special, which is like a bonus beyond belief considering the talent that served as the raw material! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing.
  3. @glbarlow Thanks amigo! I thought that I had seen someone attempt to make the whole quarterbadge sit relatively flush by removing some of the wood from both the wale and the side of the ship, which SCARED ME TO DEATH. The instructions read to just file it down where it sits on the wale as you have done, which looks nice and tidy to me, and seems to be the most straightforward approach with minimal chance for a "OH S**T." I do think it is in my best interest to get these installed, and all the items requiring extensive "handling" of the ship done first, before I start to glue down things that stick out and can easily get broken during handling. I am dreading the gun port lids.... Apparently I like to worry a lot. =(
  4. I was thinking of making it a port decanter, to hold a “tawny nectar” 🙂
  5. It’s an awesome little kit! My signature line has a link to my build log but also a link to a great finished build. Hope you are well Kev!
  6. Thanks for the build drop ins, kind words of encouragement, advice, and the thumbs up from kind colleagues @The Gimps Chimp @Peanut6 @AJohnson @barkeater @VTHokiEE @glbarlow @ccoyle @hollowneck. I was back on the Island for a few days, so I was able tp work a bit more on the Granado. I got the window frames for the stern lights painted and in place. Alignment of the frames looks surprisingly good (I will post some pictures as time permits). I ordered some Dullcote to spritz on the painted transom and the decorative rail the transom sits on, then I will glue them in place, and put the taffrail capping over the top of the transom. I'm pretty happy with the alignment and appearance of the parts as I have dry fit them in place... I've still got to paint the two little cannon-ball holding crew that stand on each side of the transom, and glue them in place as well, but then the transom will be done. I also made the grating for the quarterdeck and stained its coaming a dark walnut color, and gave the whole thing a coat or two of wipe-on poly. I also painted the stove vent and have it ready to be secured to the deck. I have been hesitant to glue the mortars and other deck hardware (windlass, belfry, quarterdeck rail, quarterdeck rough tree rail, etc.) into position so I kept as much room for cannon installation and rigging free for my big fat fingers and thumbs. However, I believe I can move forward soon and get things glued into position as I wish them to be displayed. On the other hand, does it make more sense to get the quarterbadges and anchor linings in place prior to glueing the relatively fragile parts to the deck? Inquiring minds want to know your opinions! Also, I am wondering how hard it will be to get the quarterbadges to fit nicely over the wales. Anyone have any thoughts on these matters, I am all ears! As usual, I am pleased to make any progress at all, particularly progress that doesn't have to be undone and redone 😃 . Thanks again for stopping by and offering your thoughts and opinions. Brian
  7. People like you set the bar so high. Your work is incredible, and the diorama is so realistic. Epic job.
  8. Greetings Shaun, Glad to have you as a new member to MSW. I hope you find the forum to be fun and informative. There are a lot of talented individuals here, and it sounds like you certainly have had an interesting life on which you can rely upon to give you (and others) some inspiration. You should fit right in! Best regards, Brian
  9. I have never seen a paper kit like that. Impressive to say the least. Well done Chris!
  10. Alas, I am currently away from the Granado build at the "Roanoke Island Shipyard" on the coast (sigh), so I have established a mini-secondary-shipyard to occupy my free time and irritate the Admiral. Because of the limited resources available at this inland location, I have elected to build the little wooden submarine "Morel". It is a kit made in Russia, but I had purchased it before Russia's/Putin's egregious land grab in the Ukraine had begun. Regardless of its origin and global politics, it appears to be a nice simple kit that will be a lot easier to build and less time-consuming to finish than the Granado build. There are also lots of good build logs out there for me to benefit from (e.g., Secret Vessel "Morel" by John Gummersall - FINISHED - Master Korabel - Scale 1:36). Because of the existing and outstanding build logs already out there, this one will be abbreviated at best, so please forgive my abruptly jumping in with both feet and a photograph of the build and a beer already in progress:
  11. Sorry to ask a lame question, but do you use half hitches on your ratlines? Can you share how you go about doing them, or point me in the direction of a good description. I am still a long way off from starting the ratlines on my build, but a guys got to worry about something, right?!? 😃
  12. I'm neck deep in the HMS Granado as a 2nd build, and I am running on 2 years and haven't started the rigging. I can't imagine doing the Victory for many reasons, but the most important one is, I don't think my lifespan would accommodate it.
  13. Guess who finally finished the installation of all the cannons on the Granado?!? I will do some touch up work on the gun tackle, but it will soon be done and I can then move forward with some of the remaining deck equipment, etc. YAY.
  14. Nice work indeed! Looks great on display. You completed her very quickly it would seem.
  15. Speckled trout are extremely prevalent in the brackish sounds and bays, and are very popular game fish because they are good eating. They can get much bigger than those 2, but those were nice fish with a lot of meat. I went out this morning and caught a little smaller one and released him perfectly unharmed to grow a little more. I know where he is and will come back later… 😉
  16. Greetings RH, and welcome to MSW! Please post some pictures of your build! =)
  17. @Peanut6 Hey Kev-They are speckled trout, aka spotted seatrout. They are very tasty 😀. The cannons are going slowly, but they are going. They look pretty good from the side of the ship 😜. @AJohnsonThanks for the kind words and commiseration Andrew. You always provide much inspiration and encouragement, and I truly appreciate that my good man. @glbarlowHonestly Glen, I like the looks of the Flemish coils on the deck, even though mine aren’t much to look at. I’m not undoing what I’ve already done to start over, but in the future I might take a different approach just as you have 😬, or focus on ships without cannons… Cheers mates! Brian
  18. I have learned the hard way that it pays to ask questions, or plead for help, earlier rather than later. Had I learned about Andrew's approach to making 6 coils at one time a little earlier, I'd be done with my cannon rigging by now. Instead, I have 3 cannons completed with Flemish coils in place, 7 left to go, and all 10 need serious touch-up/clean-up still. Nevertheless, progress is being made, and I have learned a lot along the way that I can apply in future builds. Woof. Here is a picture of the deck as it stands right now: I also happened to be cruising in Shallowbag Bay the other day and noticed that Elizabeth II now had her topmasts on and fully rigged, making her much more attractive in my opinion. And finally, I found some grass flats with some trout/dinner hiding in them. They were some nice fish so I thought I would share. I hope everyone is doing well and having fun, and thanks for looking in and offering advice, it sure does help a lot (even when it will have more impact in future builds). Tight lines! Brian
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