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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

    After a Long time I can Show new Progress of the build of my Sloop. After the stem I started building the lower and upper apron. Especially the lower apron, was really difficult. I need three trys until I get an result which I decided to use for my build. I think that I wouldn't get it better. I accent all glueing joints with brown color.
    After finishing the stem looks as in the following picture:
    David Shows in his book a simplified method for Building the rising woodI decided to follow the more detailed way, because I have a very precise Position of every second Frame. I think that this will help me in the future. I used this simple dummy frame during the build for checking the wide of the notches


    Next step will be the after deadwood.

  2. Gary, 


    you are at the beginning of a very long journey. I think it will be a good idea to notice your thoughts about the appearance of the finished model, but it is not necessary to finish this thoughts in the moment. 

    I am working a little bit longer on my model, but I am in a similar stage. I decided to notice what I linke to show and finalize these thoughts after completing the framing. One of my ideas is to show also the ship boats. But I haven't decide how. Stored, Beside the model or in a small scene with the real ship...


    One good idea is to have a look in the different building logs on MSW, see what other modelers did and decide if you like the appearance. 

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