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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. The type of ship doesn't really matter. I prefer ships between 1750 and 1785. A ketch rigged sloop in a larger scale (1/48; 1/32), perhaps a bomb vessel, but historically accurate. There are more than enough fantasy and bad designed kits in the market


    What I think is really necessary: a new or very old way of commercialisation of kits.


    I think it is a good idea to offer a kit in different parts. Most of us like good quality wood (box, pear, ...) but this is very expensive and in my opinion not a good option for a kit as it will offered today. The kit will become expensive and less costumer will buy it.


    So my idea is to offer the kit in three, perhaps five parts


    -Part 1: bulkheads and drawings

    -Part 2: wood for building the hull (perhaps in two different qualities: lower quality basswood; higher quality: pear)

    -Part 3: fittings (Chucks way with laercut parts is a really good way)

    -Part 4: Mast and spars (perhaps also i two qualities); blocks and so on

    -Part 5: Rigging Material


    The modeller can choose the qualities and don't need to buy every part in one time. The problem is, that the company needs a bigger store.

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