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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Mike,


    very very nice progress. Your model is looking fantastic.


    Why don't you use simple oil color? I've made different tests as preparation for my build and happy with the results. It's important to use a good quality color (Schminke, Lucas ar two German brands for example). Than you can work with very thin layers of color

  2. Greg,


    CNC would certainly make this easier!


    I don't have a CNC mill. I use a simple mill with a coordinate table.


    I work a lot with the PC during my job and so I thought also of using a CNC for model building - there are some interesting kits in the internet. But than I thought it will be much more satisfactory to build the model by hand. It's completely different to what I do in my job and so it is a big challenge which I like.


    I know that I will have imperfections, but this is what a model makes individual and interesting. Also the old time modelers and shipbuilders build their ships manual. So why not to do the same?

  3. Thanks very much for the likes and comments.

    You are right, Greg. I have to sand this later down. I don't find a way to do this with my small mill and chisels.

    There's much more to sand down. 


    I'am not sure what is more complicated, the stem ore the stern deadwood. I think the stern, because there are a lot of different steps to do and you have to think about every step, before you start. I made me a small list of all single steps and hope I've nothing forgotten.

  4. Next step is the after deadwood.


    I made the components of different strong woods, to make the shapeing later easier. The center line was marked with small stencils and a small 1.5mm drill bit was used to set holes for small pins. The following photo shows the alignment of the lower part on the keel.


    All components are put temporarily together

    Before the components van be glued together, the upper Notches for the last parallel frames must be milled.
    After assembly, the deadwood is supported from the back with small wood pieces to have a smooth and, above all, stable support during milling:


    As final step the template will be cut out:


    The last picture shows the deadwood after milling the starbord site

    Next step will be the port side.

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