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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. The keel is laid down.

    The picture shows the current version compared with the old keel in 1/48.


    Due to the larger scale it is much easier to display small details such as the treenails to scale correctly.


    The next steps in the construction of the complete keel arrangement are the same as described in my old build log. I will only change some smaller details.


  2. The building board for my model is finished. I use a design really similiar to that what Ed has shown in chapter 4 of his HMS Naiad build log.


    For my building board I used 12mm birch plywood. The base board has a size of 120 x 50 cm. For the supporting bars I've chosen a height of 10 cm.



    On the baseboard I screwed 4 boards from 6mm birch plywood to fix two aluminum rails because I don't have a mill to cut the gap for these. For the centerline I inked one longitudinal edge of the middle plates with black acrylic paint. After brushing the surface with white acrylic paint the center line was made visible with a scalpel blade that was dragged along the edge.


  3. Mike, you don't missinterpret AotS.


    If I look on your last picture (plan copy) I think that the replica will be build as French ships would built. The deadwood and the only use of double frames looks like it was drawn in the book "The 74gun ship" by Boudriot. As fas as I know -but in the forum are a lot of people which have more experience with American ship building- it is common that American ship would built in French and English tradition.

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