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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Continuing the assembly of the stem..

    I used temporarily spacers to fit the Knee of the Head, which is only 10'' thick, to the stem.


    Next I shaped the Knee of the Head using the info David Antscherl gives in his books. After this I glued the completed assembly to the stem. Therfore I used brass pins and the earlier descriped spacer. At last I shaped the competed stem to the hopefully right thickness.





    In the moment I work on the lower apron and the rising wood.

  2. Sorry, for the late reply, Jack.


    I add a picture from a reconstruction drawing of Werner Dammann. It shows a possible viking style figure head for the Gokstad ship.




    If you have a look at the original in the Oslo museum, you see that stem is also a little smaller than in your model.

    Werner Damman shows in his wonderful book about the ship also another solution that as far as I know is the most common interpretation




  3. I think Chuck's idea to sell parts for a ahip model as he does with his cutter Cheerful is an excellent idea.

    You can buy the drawings and perhaps the bulkheads, choose the timber for the planking job and buy then the smaller parts if you like. I hope that other manufacturers will copy his idea (if he don't has the Copyright for this ;) )

    There are a lot of talent modelers who don't have an own workroom or the money to buy the machines. For these kits especially on Chucks way are the only possibility to take up the hobby.

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