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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Space is something which is allways insufficient. It's the same with the time.

    I made the mistake some years ago to think too much about the space my models need and forget to build one. So I have space but no model.

    If you like to build such a big model perhaps also as POF do it. You will need several years for the research and the build and no one knows what happend in the meantime.


    Hope you understand my denglish. ;)

  2. Today I've finished the drawing work for the frames. 55 frames and 26 cant frames are a lot stuff, which I have to build now.


    The following picture shows frame 10a for example.




    Now I have to clean up my work room and prepare the building board. I hope I've nothing forgotten so that I can make sawdust and start the build of my model

  3. Hi Anthony,


    sorry for the late reply.


    I'am still learning how to develop the cant frames. Last month I got a copy of the Shipbuilders Repsoitory. I hope that I will fid there some new information. In the moment I am working the frame drawings for my second project. After starting the build of my sloop I will also continue the drawing work for the cutter project.

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